Solasodine Glycosides ( BEC), Saliyclic Acid and Urea a concentration of height. BEC 5 to kill cancer cells

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1. stopskincancercom
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4. nomoreskincancerinfo
5. skincancerdoctorinfo

Usages from Curaderm BEC 5 Curaderm is an ordinary therapy to treat areas from skin which may discolored have, what coagulated or scaly as a result from pengunjukan to the sun ( UV) light. like keratoses skin cancers. fundamental cell carcinoma, and scaly cell carcinoma and Nonmelanoma's.

Curaderm is a cream taps from a factory called as Devils Apple Fruit. Active ingredient in Curaderm is Solasodine Glycosides ( BEC).
This active ingredients tapped from factory Solanum sodomaeum. Active have been shown to is effective in treatment from man who catching of skin tumor.

Curaderm BEC 5 contains about active anticancer ingredient of Solasodine Glycosides. Therefore that is usually is known as BEC5. Also contains Saliyclic Acid and Urea at one particular very concentration height. This thing assists BEC 5 to kill cancer cells. ( Note: Saliyclic Acid and Urea may fulminate skin.)

Curaderm is poisonous Non, Be not the mutagen, doesn't influence heartbeat or blood to flow.
And is a Biochemical, haematological and Uri analytical studys demonstrates that over there without unfavourable belongings at liver, kidneys or haematopoietic systems ( blood cells) during and after treatment.

Hopes Curaderm BEC5.
Normal reactions sees when applying everyday ( at [at] least twice) curaderm BEC5 to hurt or areas influenced is some degree of storeys from bumptiousness and swelling, sensation of tingling or pain in bone which can experience for 30-60minutes.

Pattern from commentss can be anticipated by: enragement, then usually erosion, ulceration and retrogression from which treated about unwanted cells followed byre- growth from jaringan/tisu normal skin.
- Note: During treatment from the bodily injury may emerge is worse compared to before treatment. Which is because BEC looks for and breaks cancer cells which is nonvisible to naked eye)

Praise; recommendation Curaderm BEC5.
When using Curaderm BEC5 there is no formation of scar jaringan/tisu skin. You would hilang[kan growth don'tre- from normal jaringan/tisu.

Over there is limited access to cancer if that is at in hurt if that is men[dalam in skin. And over there is a low storey from reoccurrence from skin cancer.

Sepertipropil allyl disulphide ( APDS) and flavonoids, quercetin.

Shallots interest taste has amaryllis family ( Liliacae) where onion, garlic and leek presents. That classified as Allium cepa various aggregatum . Shallots haves the character of smaller and sweeter compared to onion and like garlic which its(the bohlam/gelembung divides into double parts . That digests is better compared to onion when raw eaten. Bohlam/gelembung-bohlam/gelembung pulled about tanah(landasan and leaves permitted to dry. Vegetable mayur above tanah(landasan known as scallion applied as cresss as well as because cooking. Shallots is one perfect sources from ascorbic acid, potassium, fiber hits dg order to eat and folic acid. That also contains calcium, besi/ iron and has a quality of high protein.

Over there has bundle from research and studys about usage from shallots for condition of healths. different Analysis and studys has found that shallots contains two sets from mixtures - brimstone mixtures, sepertipropil allyl disulphide ( APDS) and flavonoids, like quercetin. consumption of Flavonoid have been attributed to a risk lessened from cancer, disease [ hati/jantung] and diabetes because they are anticancer, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory.

Newest studys has shown potential health benefits from common onions and builds that shallots particularly effective fights against to liver cancer cells. Shallots has six times contents of phenolic compared to onions. Shallots assists liver to abolish toxins from body and has saponins to hinder and kills cancer cells.

Shallots in detail incircuit with pursuing man stomach cancer. Shallots yields one anticoagulants that anti strong on display blood thins and goods platelet activity and is hardly either due patients having disease atherosclerotic which is symptom, cardiovascular disease, attack [ hati/jantung] and blow. That assists function of brain and like that protects fights against to Alzheimer's disease. Shallots can reduce blood sugar to measure in people with diabetes with prevention, penurunan(pangkat,derajad) insulin and increases metabolism from glucose. Eats shallots everyday helps in growth from jaringan/tisu bone and lessens risk about developing osteoporosis by 20%. Contains Prostaglandin A-1, an agent is tough which can reduce blood pressure. Contents of brimstone in shallots makes skin to see more young. Everyday input a shallot small benefit would in run which panjang(lama. Shallots earns is raw ness eaten or cooks finite of they have the character of offer.

Quercitin, a bioflavonoid, collagen, sagginess

In this article, explains all about quercitin that you require to know. Quercitin, a bioflavonoid ( a type from nutrient found in some fruitses and green vegetables, few leaves only, among like other matters teas and beans) earns an big asset to your health when taken as an enclosure?

At one particular healthy diet. Bioflavoniods is nutrient require to look after health from your skin. This is because they assist to make collagen, fundamental element that menyimpan looks after our skin rigidly and healthy. Therefore, an insuffiency from collagen can lead to wrinkle and sagginess.

Quercitin has also shown to assist body improve;repairs health from its(the capillarys and jaringan/tisu-jaringan/tisu connects. Arrives to this, quercitin has incircuit by assisting ke(pada bruising alleve, blood-vessel vein beats unsightly, cappilaries fragile, and oedema. Also, good news for allergys! Quercitin have been recognized to hinder dispatch; exemption histamine, May help assisting conditions brought in by allergys.

After test at clinic Mayo, quercitin also shown to is useful in assisting to treat or prevents prostate cancer. In invention of study Mayo Clinic about quercitin, Mayo Clinic researcher Nianzeng Xing, PhD express that " Laboratory kita(kami emerges shows quercitin to hinder androgen activity in form of responsive androgen man prostate cancer cell." He then follows this statemen by expressing that " With blocking of androgen activity, growth from preventable prostate cancer cells or stopped." Whereas this research doesnt proves ( that) quercitin would actually is really be of benefit to people with prostate cancer or they are at risk, that categorically shows promises as an antecedent study.

While over there not an everyday loan recommended, or RDA, from quercitin, studys has marked the toxicity with quercitin is mostly a non issue. However, a dose from somewhere between 50 mgs and 150 mgs per day is a dose that is competent, and applies mega-doses is not recommended. If you had the character of pregnancy or [ merawat/menyusu], would an idea which good to talking with your medical doctor before strarting takes lampiran?tambahan this.

Skin cancer, UV-A, Sunscreen, sunscreen

We all has heard commemoration about danger of exposure the sun.
We know all about the importance of using sunscreen and hat. But is ANDA protected against [by] skin cancer? Considers myth and fact:

Tanning Beds which more safe from Matahari 20 minutes presentation in check bed harshly is equivalent with four hours below(under the sun.

Though the sun bed than using UVA UVB
[light/ray], " The Kulit Kanker Jawaban ' express that" UV-A pierces deeper into skin from UV-B, can cause skin cancer, and can depress body impenetrability system. "

Uses Sunscreen at Perlindungan Pantai 85 percentage of [light/ray] UV even can make it through at cloudy day.
That means you all berisiko in car, walks along or lets your children exit to play at in every when during the year - even when
You are not along the beach. Of course, You usually unable to dress along the beach causing closes over suggested even when synchronized of sunscreen. Sunscreen also fades with sweat and water and must always is applied every two hour(clocks or after becoming wet.

Taking Care Of Your Skin Now Akan Lindungi Anda Sayangnya, skin cancer can take 20 or more, to grow. Cancer Skin Foundation express that most people receives around 80 percentage of presentation of sunshine for a lifetime they are before age 18 years.

Cancer epidemiological, function of light immune systems, cardiovascular disease, cancer, rheumatoid chafes joint, measuring cholesterol, infection ty

Chinese has recognized around medicinal benefits from green tea because old world time, applies it to treat anything from headache and lethargia until pressure. And you knows the green tea have been applied drug as a therapy in Negeri China for ( in) for the year 4,000… When our desire are learning westerner....

During now, in the two Asia and American, scientific research is providing an solid evidence for health is of benefit to attributed to by green tea. For case, in the year 1994 Journal from National Cancer Institute publishs pickings out of one studies epidemiological demonstrating that green tea lessens risk from cancer esophageal in Chineman and approximant women six puluh gratuity. Conversely, Researchers university Purdue recently concludes that a mixture in green tea hinders growth from cancer cells. Over there also research indicates that green tea reduces cholesterol, comparison from good ( HDL) cholesterol to which is good not ( LDL) cholesterol.

To facilitate a from medical conditions in green tea has proved hardly helps:

~ function of weak immune systems
~ cardiovascular disease
~ cancer
~ rheumatoid chafes joint
~ cholesterol lifted measures
~ many types infeksi/peradangan-infeksi/peradangan
~ muscle extravagance disease

Green tea's ‘ secret ' resides in in fact is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate ( EGCG). EGCG is an taft antioxidant: beside pursuing growth from cancer cells, that kills cancer cells without jaringan/tisu healthy loss. That has also very effective in reducing LDL cholesterol to measure, and pursues abnormal formation of blood Iump. Antecedent takes in important meaning added when you to consider; assumes the thrombosis ( formation of abnormal blood Iumps) be cause terkemuka?yang all important from [ hati/jantung] groans and blow. It is really surprise, not you thinks?

Because Book Record…
Connects is is being which digambar/ditarik between belongingses about green bermabukan tea and " Prancis Paradox." For year, researchers bewildered by fact, that, though consumes a rich diet in fat fulfilled, Prancis has an incidence [of] lower from disease [ hati/jantung] compared to Orang Amerika. The answer found for [ berada/dusta] in red grape;wine, is containing resveratrol, a polyphenol that limiting belongings which are negative smoking and a fat diet. In a study 1997, researchers from University Kansas concludes that EGCG is twice same taft resveratrol like, May explaining why storey from disease [ hati/jantung] between people Japan is significantly low, even though [ that way] more than seventy five % is smokers.

Hence why not other Chinese teas has health as of similar to cause a commotion is of benefit? Green, oolong, and black teas of all coming from leaves from factory Camellia sinensis. is specifying separate green tea is road(street which is processedIn certain tea leaves, green is steamed, what prevents mixture EGCG from is being dingoksidasi. By contrast, black and oolong tea leaves processed from leaves fermented, emerging in EGCG is being changed into other mixtures of which is not almost as effective in preventing and quarreling various conditions and disease.

Some Supplementary benefits…
Last evidence emerging green tea because earning even helps dieters to reach success is more swiftly one efficiently. In November, 1999, the America Journal Clinical Nutrition publishs pickings from a study at University Geneva in Switzerland. Researchers finds that man who given a combination of caffeine and green tea menyuling?menyadap burned more calories is compared [ mereka/yang] gave only caffeine or a placebo.

Coincidently, green tea earns even assists prevents tooth rot! Only seperti(ketika crushing abilitys of its(the bacteria can assist prevents food poisoning, that earns also kills bacteria that causing tooth memorial. Meanwhile, spadework of skin containing green tea - from deodorant to creams - be strarting to emerge in market demonstrates positive belongings.

Unsafe Potency Belongings
Like from today, only unfavourable side influences reported from tea bermabukan green is difficulty to sleep soft arrives to the fact that that contains caffeine. On-hand other, green tea contains many slimmer of caffeine compared to coffee and most soda-water: over there about three puluh to six puluh magnesium. from caffeine in six - eight ounces from tea, what compared to ( in) for one hundred magnesiums. in eight ounces from coffee and can, you imagines a real big contrast in contents of caffeine between all these and green teas ‘ has just ' high tech energy drinks the present of being consumes by mass with very gluttonous gluttony like.

Green Tea Polyphenols, Is They Your its(the Minta(ta
In detail, tea polyphenols is mixtures in tea leaves having the character of factory antioxidants alami(wajar. Antioxidants has proven to prevent caused by breakdown by free radical ke(pada other DNA and molecules.

What They Work
Green tea polyphenols has mendukung(menguatkan some prevention cancer properties. In addition to antioxidant activity, this mixtures seperti(ketika may before all mentions has shown to lessen growth of abnormal cell and radang/penyalaan; assists body to get cleans about cancer to cause agents; and cures communications between different cells in body.

At Canser… Facts
Relation between consumption of green tea and man cancer have been studied in some different populations and at various cancer locations. Studys some people comparing green tea drunkards ke(pada tea drunkards nongreen supports the green claim tea, bermabukan, in fact prevents certain types from cancer. hits dg order to eat certain, Area, and differences of population of cutomer?client may for this contradictions. In learning animal, different tea menyuling?menyadap tea, polyphenol mixtures, tea components cleaned, and infusions of tea seperti(ketika dilution bermabukan sole has more consistently shown to prevent cancer, including cancers from colon, throat, liver, stomach, lung, chest, pancreas, and skin. Component cleaned, epigallocatechin gallate ( EGCG), colon cancer prevented, but doing not to prevent cancer from throat in model animal. a mixture polyphenol with EGCG, memanggil(hubungi Polyphenon E, has also shows preventive cancer property in animals. Unfinished animal studys what look like EGCG or Polyphenol E causes mutations DNA that will trigger cancer growth. Both EGCG and Polyphenon E is is being tested for safety and efficacious in man.

Farther Out Prostate Canser Pertumbuhan Sel Menemukan Dari Konsumsi Teh Hitam Dan Yang Hijau

a study at The Experimental Biology 2004, in Washington, DC., what reported when part of scientific program from Masyarakat Amerika Nutritional Sciences, antitumor belongings from green and black tea of polyphenols in jaringan/tisu man. And researchers at University California at Para angel Los finds and able to detect tea polyphenols in jaringan/tisu prostate after a very limited consumption of tea. More especially, the scientists finds that prostate cancer cells grows more slowly when placed in a medium to contain blood serum from man who consumption has that is it doesn't matter black tea or green for five days compared to by serum to collect before people to start way of living bermabukan their tea. Serum from man is drinking a number of comparable from diet or soda-water reguler shows there is no like slow in proliferation of cancer cell.

Consequently, Dr. Susanne Henning, UCLA CENTER for Human Nutrition, what articulated that research shift UCLA - a combination of the nutrition scientists and urologis-urologis - focussed in result that is possible from tea polyphenols in factors so called polyamines and enzymes accountable for produce of polyamines. Levels lifted from polyamines has been attributed to malignancy in man, including prostate cancer, and - because polyamines haves the character of current in jaringan/tisu prostate in high concentration - considered a logical target for chemoprevention prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is one most widespread cancers between [ jantan/pria]-[jantan/pria] in United States, and more compared to a fourth from all that of patient with prostate cancer recognized to apply alternative therapy science, including green tea. This study suggests that the two green tea and black is promising lampiran?tambahan-lampiran?tambahan hits dg order to eat useful alami(wajar for chemoprevention prostate cancer, according to ke(pada Dr. Henning. He plans to do investigates if this influence can be improved with consuming a number of bigger than tea polyphenols in form from capsules lampiran?tambahan green tea extract.

Hence If That was That Good, How Much Should I Drink?

They don't heal cancer, but earning categorically lengthens living by a grief of people from cancer.

Homeopathy is effective in Iiberation, painting arises from side belongings from chemotherapy and radiation.

Mind and centripetal Body Treatment in an emotion of people, behavior and believe. That is believed that [by] a people must look after a position which are positive and tinggal(hidup a life frees about bouncing and accentual emotionally. Massage and reflexology has also found to is effective in strengthening cells and promotes dispatch; exemption anticancer hormones in body. treatment of Mind and Body have been found to is very delaying and effective in dealing with cancer, and perhaps even prevents it.

Nutrition and Diet have been found to was effective in preventing jaringan/tisu and damage cell and ascertains function of correct immune of body.

Therapy of Traditional Chinese have been found to is effective in providing pembebasan?lukisan arises from side belongings from conventional treatments from cancer. Practitioners form from curative this recommends usage from herbs like Ginseng Asia, Astragalus and Dong Quai.

Article submited By John DD. On Samara on behalf of from
Global cancer related to india is a ngo in india serves grief people of cancer for healing from different cancer type like chlid cancer, throat cancer, chest cancer, bone cancer, cancer prostate etc.

Asbestos, lung cancer, Mesothelioma, cells that peritoneum line organ/ abdominal organ) and chest membrane ( plane outside from lung and in from rib

In general undersize asbestos fibers seen by eye. Asbestos becomes is dangerous at the time tritiated? rhenium menurun/jatuh into small fibers and dihirup/dihisap. Is impossible to detect presence from asbestos, material at one particular laboratory to test. a laboratory technician will be put material below(under a microscope to look for because asbestos fibers. Asbestos doesn't cause one reactions that is soon. That would don't cause you to cough, sneeze, or your eye to water. You cannot see, aroma, or asbestos taste. If your skin became contaminated with asbestos that is is not burns or itchy.

Asbestos correlates disease to have a hardly is longing for latency period. This was time frames from when first you short exchange to asbestos until you becomes disease. Most people doesn't become disease for at [at] least ten years after pengunjukan and some people is not until ( in) for fourty through years then. asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma is all asbestoses correlates disease. asbestosis happened when lung admission asbestos fibers. The body would in alami?tentu just yields one vinegars to groan fibers. However, this vinegar can cause scarring in jaringan/tisu from lung and in stages;steps placed forward breathing to become more hurtingly and difficult. asbestosis firstly is documented in the dockyard workers. Asbestos earns also causes lung cancer. If a people smoked and short exchange to asbestos, they have an opportunity many bigger develops lung cancer. Mesothelioma was a type from cancer that having only incircuit with pengunjukan asbestos. That is a cancer from cells that peritoneum line ( embosoming plane organ/ abdominal organ) and chest membrane ( plane outside from lung and in from rib).

Over there is a bundle from debate and controversy embosoms types from asbestos is dangerous. Some types from asbestos thought of to is riskier compared to other but all types from pengunjukan of asbestos need to be obviated. Actinolite, amosite, anthophyllite, crocidolite, chrysotile ( white asbestos), and tremolite is all types from asbestos. Chrysotile is type from asbestos very usually is applied in producing products.

Invisible asbestos fibers to eye. If you feels you may have been short exchange to asbestos, method most commonly to test is a x-ray dada/peti. The x-ray would don't show asbestos fibers but that can highlights beginning of marking from emphysema. Over there there is no healing recognized for asbestos to correlate disease.

Oesophagus acid causes cancer, Heartburn, reflux acid, GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease, Acid reflux, Axid AR, Pepcid AC, Tagamet HB, and Zantac

its (the drawdown Asam is horrible disease of which can cause damage at oesophagus and causes cancer.

Is this realistic statement, or only enlarged upon oversell from konter drug?
In reality is that medical doctor even disagree about cause, long-range perawatan,dan of risk related to stomachache, so that you can believe does you wish about advertisement.

Heartburn is feeling is not balmy yielded from reflux acid, or GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease ( tries tells that hardly several times). Likely like combustible sensation, but earning also feels like pressure in chest, that is why why sometime confuses with feeling relating to heart attack.

Acid reflux happened when muscle between stomachs and oesophagus will weaken or rileks when wrong. Result of his(its is that innards;bowels, including acid, peripatetic climbed oesophagus. Because oesophagus doesn't have resist which stomach is not Iiterally burns oesophagus acid.

Some non-resep effective possible drug for medium finite light of reflux acid, like antasid, what neutralizes stomach acid. This is including famous above drugs desk like Tums and Rolaids. Other choice is receptor antagonist H2, what lessens produce of stomach acid.
This is including Axid AR, Pepcid AC, Tagamet HB, and Zantac 75.
Pepcid complete is the only this merging antasid with receptor antagonist H2.
Which is best therapy? One studies finds that complete Pepcid better than is done antasid alone or receptor antagonist H2 alone.

Drug recipe recipe to cure its(the drawdown acid called as proton pump inhibitor. This is including aciphex, Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, and Protonix. This temporary effective pari pasu, one researchs of course finds that Nexium oesophagus can heal quicker hurt.

Homeopathic remedies
Combined with drug homeopati, curable stomachache effectively by lessening dependency to above desk or drug recipe. Together, this solution can give answer where only one solutions fails to fulfill promise.

Choice nature which can assist lessens GER is including deglycyrrhizinated licorice ( DGL), possibly brings help quickly and assists heals breakdown layer. Aloe Juice Vera also can act quickly to bring easy. For they chronic problem, Gamma-oryzanol ( oil rice bran) possibly useful, because earning cholin, pantothenic acid, and thiamin. This natural solution can provide more effectively is short term help and also long-range gives diet benefit.

Homeopathic Remedy
Benefit from natural solution is that they often less

expensive and lessens possibility to become base on certain solution. Natural solution is including treating its(the cause same as influencing, and having experiment with diet and alternative of therapy can assist lessens problem cause. Besides, all homocophatic of drug mentioned is above can be applied together with above desk or drug recipe.

Cancer Cause Acid reflux
Research about sour reflux and cancer varies. One studies indicates that chronic reflux acid increased possibility that oesophagus cancer eight times.

Other study it is determined that cancer risk is not counted which been assumed.
Chronic reflux acid can result oesophagus Barrett, or BE, which has thought to lead to improvement of cancer. a study done by a group of medical medical doctor finds that cancer risk from BE is not counted estimate before all, is expressing that BE will not cause cancer most people.

Is which not questioned be is acid reflux not balmy. Chronic of GERD is difficult to coexist, and having experiment with tribal medicine and natural of solution possibly becomes best solution. As always research about the cause and influences from GERD, option of addition possibly follows.

Lungs cancer, asbestosis, Mesothelioma.

Asbestos is a term applied for some people in alami?tentu just happened minerals that form is longing for fibers bundles and fiber tipis/encer in crystallization. Which very usually is found group is serpentine group that entering in it Chrysotile ( white asbestos). That is also very often mines form from Asbestos. group of Other asbestos of vital importance is known as amphibole, which enters in it Crocidolite ( blue asbestos) and Amosite ( chocolate asbestos). Asbestos fibers has tensile height strength, and chemicals, electrical and heats retaliation property and it is therefore very useful as a material building/insulation. Asbestos have been applied extensively all ( in) for world.

Asbestos: Common Information
Even Asbestos is a risky material, that acted simply health risk if fibers Asbestos becomes airborne and thereafter dinarik napas/menghisap. Therefore, most material Asbestos acts small health risk unless they are bothered in a way that mengizinkan[membiarkan the fibers to freed; discharged into atmosphere. inhalation of Asbestos fibers can lead to like disease lung cancer which is serious, Mesothelioma ( a cancer from lung layer or reduces digestion area) and asbestosis ( a chronic fibrosis from lung).

Many industries applies Asbestos extensively in past, short exchange of the their workers to material kills this. As a result, many new Cases from Asbestos causes disease is happened now. However, the fact that Asbestos also diinstall in many [ equipment; meaning] building that a broader coverage of people stills has the potency to short exchange – particularly builds and the keeping workers. For this reason, last revision of Control from Asbestos at Work Regulations introduces ( from hopefully 2004) a new responsibility in that responsible because real property nondomestic to arrange asbestos contains in them.

Asbestos Causes Disease
Mesothelioma is a cancer from layer pleural and peritoneal. Exclusive related to pengunjukan asbestos. By time diagnosed, that is usually on fatal. Mesothelioma has a period latency which panjang(lama ( time between pengunjukan and attack from disease) from at [at] least 15 years and sometime same the year 60 panjang(lama like.

asbestosis is a scarring jaringan/tisu lung. this Scarring destroys ability flexibility of its(the lung and crates to convert gas. This thing leads to oxygen input that is insufficient to blood. asbestosis limits breathing leads to lung volume lessened and increased retaliation in air transport network. That is a disease slowly progressive with a period latency 15 ke(pada the year 30.

lungs cancer is a catching tumor from protection of bronchi. Tumor springs up passing embosoming jaringan/tisu, invades and frequently gets in the way air trajectory. Again; returns, disease has a period latency which panjang(lama at [at] least 20 years.

Victims from all this asbestoses correlates disease haves the character of competent lawsuit file to compensate fights against to people and organizational held responsible because causing pengunjukan asbestos. They can take help from mesothelioma lawyers and asbestos for [ also quarrels] compensation they confess.

Capsicum annuum I A suffrutescent or herbaceous, short-lived perennial

The active principle in chili is a mixture of allied components, capsaicin being the most important, major component (46-77% of the total capsainoids). Chili is a powerful irritant and rubefacient; when applied to the skin, it produces warmth, redness, and burning without blistering.

In the form of ointment of plasters, it is used externally for the treatment of rheumatism, lumbago and neuralgia. Capsicum wool, prepared by dissolving the oleoresin in ether and pouring it on absorbent cotton-wool, is useful in rheumatoid affections. Chili, in small doses, is a powerful stimulant and carminative. It stimulates the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, and increases peristaltic movements and motility of the stomach. It is an excellent remedy in atonic and flatulent dyspepsia and dipsomania.

Capsicum annuumPrehistoric Capsicum species have been found in burial sites in Peru, indicating that the original home of chillies may have been tropical South America. There seems to have been diffusion from there to Mexico or an independent origin in the latter center where a great diversity of the genus is found. The Portuguese introduced the chilli to India. Chilli was used as a condiment in large quantities in India, Africa, and tropical America, where the fruit develops greater pungency than in the cold regions. It has since, however, become a popular condiment the world over. In European medicine, capsicum was used to treat rheumatic and neuralgic affections. Indians considered capsicum to be stomachic, stimulant and as a promoter of the regular action of the bowels. It was externally used as a rubefacient.

It is cultivated throughout India from sea level to 2,000 ft. height. It is not normally found in the wild. It is sometimes found as an escape (growing through self propagation) near cultivated fields.

Morphology Description (Habit)
It is a short-lived perennial herb but is cultivated as an annual herb. The leaves are oblong and glabrous. The flowers are solitary, rarely in pairs, pure white to bluish white, very rarely violet in colour. The berries are green, maturing into yellow, orange to red grading into brown or purple, pendent, rarely erect, very variable in size (up to 20 cm long and 10 cm in dia.), shape and pungency and sometimes lobed. The seeds are white or cream to yellow, thin, almost circular, having long placental connections.

Principal Constituents

The pungent principle Capsaicin was identified from the fruits1.

Capsicoside A is also identified from the fruits2.

Capsaicin (50mg/Kg, s.c.) treatment of 2-day old female rats resulted 3 months later in 81.0% decrease in mean pain response to tail-vein injection of HCl and 63.0 and 72.0 % increase in noiceptive threshold in rats with normal and inflamed paws respectively3. Capsaicin (50mg/Kg, s.c.) treatment of 2-day old female rats resulted 3 months later in 81.0% decrease in mean pain response to tail-vein injection of HCl and 63.0 and 72.0 % increase in noiceptive threshold in rats with normal and inflamed paws respectively3.

It is irritant to skin but administration of capsaicin in sub-cutaneous or intraperitoneal administration into guinea pigs and rats makes them tolerant to various irritants including capsaicin4.

In the form of ointment of plasters, it is used externally for the treatment of rheumatism, lumbago and neuralgia. Capsicum wool, prepared by dissolving the oleoresin in ether and pouring it on absorbent cotton wool, is useful in rheumatoid affections. Chilli, in small doses, is a powerful stimulant and carminative.

Product Range
Muscle & Joint Rub.

Source of:

Capparis spinosa

A prostrate shrub or climber armed with divaricate, light yellow thorns.

The root bark contains stachydrine, rutic acid and a volatile substance. It is bitter, aperient, diuretic and expectorant. It is given in splenic, renal and hepatic complaints.
Used in Bonnisan, Geriforte (GeriCare / StressCare), Liv.52 (LiverCare), Liv.52 drops, Digyton, Geriforte Aqua, Geriforte Vet, Liv.52 Vet (Companion), Liv.52 Vet (Commercial).

Capparis spinosaThe Caper bark does not appear to have been used as a medicine by the Hindus until introduced by the Mohameddans. Its fruits were mentioned in Sanskrit works. It also appeared in Greek and Latin works. The author of the Makhzan-el-Adwiya gave a good description of the plant and mentioned the root bark as the most active part. He considered it to be hot and dry that acted as a detergent and astringent, expelling cold humors. It was recommended in dropsy, gouty and rheumatic affections. All parts of the plant was said to have a stimulating and astringent effect when applied externally. The fresh plant yielded a volatile oil having the properties of garlic oil.

It grows in Afghanistan, West Asia, Europe, North Africa and Australia. In India it grows from Punjab and Rajasthan to the Deccan Peninsula.

Morphology Description (Habit)
A prostrate, glabroscent, polymorph shrub or climber armed with divaricate light yellow thorns, occurring in dry rocky and stony soils. Branches terete and glabrous or pubescent. Leaves are variable in texture, orbicular to elliptic, base rounded and apex mucronate. Flowers are white, solitary, axillary. Sepals are sub equal, petals are white, and its anther filaments are purple and are longer than the petals. The berry is ellipsoid, ovoid or obovoid and pericarp thin. The seeds are 3-4 mm in diam., globose, smooth and brown.

Principal Constituents
The cortex and leaves contain stachydrine and 3-hydroxystachydrine. The root contains, glucobrassicin, neoglucobrassicin and 4-methoxy-glucobrassicin. The crude extract of the flowerbuds contains 162 volatile constituents of which isothiocyanates, thiocyanates, sulphides and their oxidative products have been identified as the major components1. The seeds and leaves contain glucocapparin and glucocleomin. The root bark contains stachydrine, rutic acid and a volatile substance with garlic odour.

Liv.52, a Ayurvedic preparation is reported to protect albino rats against toxic effects of beryllium compounds, and mice against Semiliki Forest Virus (SFV) 2.

The plant is credited with anti-tubercular property. The root bark is extensively used in Ayurvedic system of medicine. The bark is bitter, diuretic and expectorant. It is given in spleen, renal and hepatic complaints. The bruised leaves are applied as a poultice in gout. An extract of the plant is one of the constituents of the Ayurvedic preparation `Liv.52' administered to treat preliminary cases of acute viral hepatitis and cirrhosis of liver; and has shown encouraging results against viral infection in man. The plant extract is also a constituent of another drug `Geriforte' useful in treating senile pruritis, itching and other ailments associated with old age and anxiety neurosis.

Product Range
Bonnisan, Geriforte (GeriCare / StressCare), Liv.52 (LiverCare), Liv.52 drops, Digyton, Geriforte Aqua, Geriforte Vet, Liv.52 Vet (Companion), Liv.52 Vet (Commercial), Himmune.

1. Schraudolf, Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, 259; Brevard et. al., Flav Fraqr J, 1992, 7, 313.
2. Mathur et. al., Curr Sci, 1986, 55, 899; Handa et. al., Fitoterapia, 1986, 57, 347; Sama et. al., Indian J med Res, 1976, 64, 738; Bhargava & Soni, Rajasthan med J, 1980, 19, 23; Gupta et. al., Probe, 1979-80, 19, 99; Khandeparker & Kulkarni, Indian Drugs , 1980-81, 18, 346.

source of:

Dead Sea Apple, Milkweed, Sodom Apple, Swallow-Wort

A small, erect and compact shrub, covered with cottony tomentum.

The rootbark contains a- and ß-amyrin, ß-amyrin, taraxasterol and its y-isomer, taraxasteryl isovalerate, taraxasteryl acetate, gigantin, giganteol, isogiganteol, ß-sitosterol and a wax.
In small doses, the rootbark is diaphoretic and expectorant. It acts as a mild stimulant.


Calotropis proceraThe leaves were used in Vedic times in sun worship. The plants were considered sacred. Maruts worshipped on Saturdays with garland of its flowers. Ancient Arab tribes also had notions rooted in superstition about Calotropies probably in relation to sun worship.

Hindu physicians used the secretions from the root bark to treat skin diseases, enlargements of abdominal viscera, intestinal worms, cough, ascites, anasarca etc. The milky juice was regarded as a drastic purgative and caustic. Flowers were considered to improve digestion, catarrh and increase appetite. The leaf ash was given with whey to treat ascites and enlargements of abdominal viscera. The root bark with latex was smoked for cough. The root bark was also used to treat elephantiasis in South India. Its milky juice was applied for toothache.

In Cancon the flowering tops were used to treat asthma. The plant was also used in the treatment of leprosy, hepatic and splenic enlargements. Oil in which the leaves were boiled, was used in treating paralysis. Leaf powder was used in wound healing. It was considered as a substitute for Ipecacuanha and also possess the properties of Gutta-persica. The juice was used for the purpose of infanticide and was sometimes taken by women to induce abortion. Tanners used the milky juice to remove hair from hides.

It is found in most parts of the world in dry, sandy and alkaline soils and warm climate. In India it is found from Punjab and Rajasthan to Assam and Kanyakumari. Up to an altitude of 1050 m. It grows abundantly in Rajasthan. It is found in its waste lands and grows as a weed in agricultural lands. It grows well on rubbish heaps, waste and fallow lands, roadsides and sand dunes.

Morphology Description (Habit)
Erect, tall, large, much branched and perennial shrubs or small trees that grow to a height of 5.4 m., with milky latex throughout. Bark is soft and corky. Branches stout, terete with fine appressed cottony pubescence (especially on young). Leaves sub-sessile, opposite, decusate, broadly ovate-oblong, elliptic or obovate, acute, thick, glaucous, green, covered with fine cottony pubescent hair on young but glabrous later and base cordate. Flowers in umbellate-cymes and tomentose on young. Calyx glabrous, ovate and acute. Corolla glabrous, lobes errect, ovate, acute, coronal scales 5-6, latterly compressed and equally of exceeding the staminal column. Folicles are sub-globose or ellipsoid or ovoid. Seeds broadly ovate, acute, flattened, minutely tomentose, brown coloured and silky coma is 3.2 cm long.

Principal Constituents
In leaves mudarine is isolated as principal active constituent. Besides a yellow bitter acid, resin and 3 toxic glycosides calotropin, uscharin and calotoxin1. In latex a powerful bacteriolytic enzyme2, a very toxic glycoside calactin (which concentration is increased on insect or grass hopper attack as defense mechanism), calotropin D I, calotrapin D II, calotropin F I, calotropin F II and a non toxic protealytic enzyme calotopin (2-3%) had been identified This calotopin is more proteolytic than papain, and bromelain and coagulates milk, digests meat, gelatin and casein. whole plant contains a- and b-amyrin, b-amyrin, teraxasterol, gigantin, giganteol, isogiganteol, b-sitosterol and a wax.

The crude extract of C.procera and its protein fraction were found to possess high fibrinolytic and anticoagulant activity in rabbit and human plasma3.The alcoholic extract of leaves and roots were found to have anticancer activity against human epidermal carcinoma of the nasopharynx in tissue culture4. The aqueous and alcoholic extract has slight depression followed by stimulation of the rate and force of myocaedial contraction of isolated frog's heart. It also induce increase in blood pressure in dog, marked contractions in rabbit duodenum, rat's ileum and uterine horn of virgin rat. Aqueous extract has mild diuretic effect on rat5. Latex has anti-inflammatory properties. Petroleum ether extract of flowers showed abortifacient activity.

In higher doses root bark causes nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Prolonged higher doses cause head ache, burning micturition and leucorrhoea. The latex contains some poisonous constituents due to which it has a caustic effect on mucous membrane and tender skin. It increases heartbeat and respiration in animals leading to distress and death. Accidental splashing of latex in to the eye causes congestion of the eye with tear and local anaesthesia, followed by deeper effect due to absorption. Caloropin is one of the most violent poisons substances known. It is 15-20 times more toxic than strychnine6.

The medicinal properties are similar to C.gigantea. It has bitter, healing, laxative and anthemintic properties that relieves strangury, cures ulcers, acts as an expectorant. Its leaves are used to relieve stomach pain. Its flower is a tonic, appetiser, stomachic, that cures piles, asthma and wounds. Its milky juice is a blistering agent. Its flowers are useful in cholera.

Product Range
Muscle & Joint Rub.

source of:

An aromatic, erect, annual herb, cultivated in India

The ligulate florets constitute the drug which is reported to possess stimulant, bitter, tonic, sudorific, febrifuge, carminative, anti-emetic and anthelmintic properties. The flowers contain calenduline, and oleanolic acid glycoside and sterol glycosides. They also contain a- and ß-amyrin, taraxasterol, y - taraxasterol, lupeol, brein, faradiol, arnidiol, erythrodiol, calenduladiol, coflodiol (ursadiol) and manilladiol.

It was formerly esteemed as a domestic remedy and grew as a weed in northern India. It was used
as a substitute for Taraxacum. The flowers were most popular in the middle ages when they were commonly used to colour food, mostly soups. They were believed to have wound healing properties.

Calendula officinalis

It is cultivated throughout India, and often met with as an escape(originally cultivated, but self propagating plant).

Morphology Description (Habit)
It is an aromatic and erect annual herb. Stem is angular, glandular and hairy. The leaves are simple, lower spathulate, entire, and upper one is lanceolate, with cordate-amplexical base. The flower heads are terminal and heterogamous. Flowers are light yellow to deep orange in colour. Ray florets are fertile. The achenes are boat-shaped and faintly ribbed. Several cultivars have been developed based on the size, colour, and degree of doubling and quilling.

Principal Constituents
The flowers contain calenduline, which is the major constituent.

It has an antiphlogistic (anti-inflammation) effect in animal models1. The aqueous extract has uterotonic effect2. The extract of flower heads shows estrogenic property3. It also has spasmolytic activity.

There is no adverse effect is reported on usage of this plant.

Medicinally, it is credited with tonic, stimulant and astringent properties. It is used in gastrointestinal and genitourinary complaints.


Lung cancer spread to the kidneys and spinal muscles, physiotherapy

At home you begin to adjust to new circumstances that have to do physiotherapy or medical rehabilitation for restore the condition and also waiting for test results laboratory for paruku cancer disease stage.

In a fairly long wait I started crawl with a sense of fear will result from the laboratory of the already-stage how this cancer. During the wait I was required mild exercise, one of them swim, and that I do. We started a bit preferably the condition my body, I abdominal pain is very great that the arrival occasionally and I do not mind.

All my family thought my stomach because of many years I was eating chili weight, which if make cabenya sauce can reach 20 seeds. I also have a same mind as the pain only comes once in a while just even when the pain came I felt very sick very. Until the beginning of the second month since my lung surgery my stomach hurt even more to-be and come more often so I was not strong hold and I asked to by my wife to the internist who had been I deal with.

By a doctor I immediately checked with ultrasound and the doctor in the gut suspicion that something big. Tomorrow followed by colonoscopy examination (intestinal photos done through the anus) and found true allegations that the doctor in the intestine is another big tumor size was almost
obstruct the course of food in the intestine.

The day after I was in the colonoscopy I brought the results to internist and at that moment the doctor said if I have to undergo another major operation that is cutting two thirds of my big gut, whereas it is a new day even two months after the operation my lungs.

Broncoscopy and biopsy, my love fruitful in Lung Cancer Smoking and Colon Cancer

Lung cancer and should be done right the appointment of some of the existing lung cancer. tended every day my weight down 1 / 4 pounds while you eat as usual.

Laboratory is to conduct a general check up, because the results of the check-up was discovered when the right lung for a tumor. Previously you had a feeling that lung cancer because you are a heavy smoker (one day average could be up to 60 cigarettes). At the time you receive a tougher because you feel the disease is a result of the habit of smoking as a teenager.

While I was a former national team captain even in the branch softball, which should live without tobacco. And already get enough of the environment around you encourage you to stop smoking but you answered with pride that you are not lovers of sports, so there is reason to smoke but healthy.

It was not visible due to the cigarette that he said if someone was smoking so he will not be strong enough to run away, or in other words, smokers' breath became short. That does not happen to me. And do you prove it in every practice.

After going through a more detailed examination is performed broncoscopy and biopsy, no other way except for surgery performed right upper lung that had cancer.

That's when you begin to fear because frankly for your life whose name has not been especially long illness and surgery should be hospitalized. You begin to avoid each time you ask when you are ready for surgery. You must only answer tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow, which is still very, very scared for the surgery. In fact, had fled to alternative medicine. But that does not produce the results you expect.

Adan will give new and resigned to surgery.
Cut my lungs. Operations began prepared and scheduled for lung surgery is major surgery that needs to prepare a detailed, ranging from check heart, lungs, teeth, blood pressure, and others who need a few days. So do not want to hospitalization since the examination preparatory surgery. Actually this is not allowed.


Living with cancer

You can pass along the family, spouse, and your heart gems, true friends who really care about you, your friends who live in-arms with "Lupus" and other deadly diseases, as well as fellow survivors of all who join in support CISC group, as well as your caregiver can not I mentioned one by one with a fixed life beautiful.

You should always learn to recognize your partner is called "cancer" with a positive attitude to life.

Not feel the time has passed. 2 years ago is still alive today. Still watching the sunrise. You are still able to breathe fresh air in the morning. When that doctor with medical calculation gives you a verdict 3 weeks to 3 months, you have a different fate.

To live as cancer survivors like dancing. You must learn to understand in detail the knowledge about cancer across a very polite in the cells that grow in your body.

Prepare all the things that might occur before entering the stage to play a beautiful life, and even began to prepare for a life far more beautiful after that ....

You should prepare yourself as a good player and professional so that what you live still beautiful.
You must be sensitive to the slightest whisper is heard by your body, whether it's heart murmur or a whisper of information from outside yourself well. You assume this as the music accompanying the dance performance when paired with your cancer. You must know whether the music was fast, slow, or very fast or very slow probably because this will greatly affect the swing of your footsteps on the stage.

Maybe the music is turned frequently changing rhythm

This often happens. Suddenly you can not helpless, nausea, mules, fever, and so on, as the players dance in pairs with "cancer" you need to know how to handle it. At least you have given and attached to important numbers that you can contact the emergency moments.

You have to keep starting from the wallet, purse, diary, cars, bathrooms, complete anyway.

When music is playing the melody "sick", is brewed chamomile tea / peppermint or eating dried prunes to reduce it. When anxiety crept in niche heart, prayer mats have been installed and ready to wear bow. Not only that, the chair must be faithful meditation on the corner of the house you like the most.

So even when the joints and bones in your body ache and pain, you will lie down and to relax as much as possible you can do.

He includes a turn on and off you in every step you take.

Garlic can fight cancer I colon and rectum I breast, liver I skin and lungs

In modern society garlic (Allium sativum) is believed to prevent heart attacks, blood clots, lower cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, reducing ulcer, detoxifying, killer bacteria / fungus / parasite, binding free radicals, and more others. Is it true flavor of everyday dishes can cure cancer, too?

Various studies had demonstrated the ability of garlic in preventing and treating cancers, especially those caused by chemical substances harmless, such as prostate cancer, stomach, colorectal (colon and rectum), breast, liver, skin, and lungs.

Garlic Against Cancer
Active substances in garlic include vitamins A, B, C, calcium, potassium, iron, carotene, and selenium. The most dominant in the fight against cancer is allyl sulfur components such as diallyl sulfide, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, S-allyl cysteine, S-allylmercaptocysteine, allicin, and ajoene. These substances prevent the formation and activation of nitrosamines in the body, also blocked aflatoxin, azoxymethane, benzo (a) pyrene, etc., all of which are carcinogenic substances (triggers cancer).

In the next stage of these components may prevent mutation of the gene, inhibiting the proliferation (growth / division) of cancer cells, repair of damaged DNA structures, and even stimulate cancer cells to commit suicide (apoptosis).

On the other side of garlic also acts as an antioxidant, remove toxins from the body, and kill the bacteria Helicobacter pylori that can trigger a variety of stomach cancer.
How to Eat

Of course working active substances garlic depends on many things, such as the land where it grows garlic (effect on the levels of active substances garlic), the composition of other nutrients consumed together with him, also how to prepare and consume onions white itself. Combination with selenium, certain fatty acids (eg linoleic acid), and vitamin A, can increase the ability of garlic to inhibit proliferation and increase apoptosis.

But be aware that garlic processing power can be deadly work anticancer substances that. One minute it is processed in the microwave, garlic loses efficacy as anticancer. So even when heated in another cooking process. So what? Should garlic swallowed it raw?

Apparently simple. Mash garlic (digeprak, thinly sliced, or diuleg) and let stand for 15 minutes before cooking (used as a spice in cooking). Within 15 minutes of it happening chemical reactions that activate anticancer substances allyl groups on the sulfur, which is not damaged even if cooked. But if destroyed immediately after cooking, the chemical reaction that did not happen, automatic properties antikankernya missing.

If you want, garlic can also be consumed raw. But still had to be destroyed once and left for 15 minutes. So what if garlic would be served whole, such as in pickles? Simply peel and cut some corners. Not bad, still have anticancer properties, though not as good as if destroyed.
Potential Hazards

Not so easy, using the garlic for the prevention and treatment of cancer? The price is cheap and easily available too. Be warned, however, does not mean that garlic may be consumed at random. Do not think that more and more consumption of garlic, the better the result.

The recommended dose of garlic consumption is 4-5 grams of fresh garlic / day (about 1-2 cloves). If too much, besides causing odor on the breath and skin, sometimes causing allergies, digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, excessive gas production), bronchial asthma, dermatitis, reduces levels of protein and calcium in the blood, also reducing the production of sperm.

Too much garlic increases the risk of bleeding because of its ability to prevent blood clotting. Therefore, in patients who want or have recently undergone surgery, garlic consumption should be limited.

Garlic also increases enzymes work in the liver to remove toxins from the body. In healthy people this ability is very useful, but be careful, he can also throw the drugs that you swallow and chemotherapy drugs. Your treatment to be futile, is not it? Therefore, if you want to increase the consumption of garlic supplements or use products, consult with your doctor first.


Radiological, pathological, diagnosis, Surgery

Causes and occurrence
Against a diagnosis of disease, whether it's a sure or still conjecture (suspected) there is no reason for doctors to explain the causes and course of the disease you are suffering what happens as you experience this. A good doctor will tell you the things that drives everything why he diagnose the disease. Of course aside from your complaints, analysis is also supported by physical examination and will be more accurate if confirmed by additional tests such as laboratory tests, radiological, pathological, etc..

If you can, maybe not everybody wants to have his body or any scar haunted anxiety about the operation. Ask your doctor whether it is possible for the case that you suffer no surgery. If possible, what the advantages and disadvantages of the way in which it was. Ensure also the risk that may be faced if the way the surgery was not made a choice. In general, this area includes abu2 diseases or disorders that are not emergency cases or severity of the disease is still there in the early grades and is predicted to respond to drug treatment alone.

Although at least one recovered from the disease is determined by the Yang Di Atas, but we humans can seek that direction. And for doctors who treat patients will talk about this based on science, data and experience. To ensure your peace, find and dig that information! At least from the data that the doctor can predict how many percent level of recovery or improvement. Is there a possibility to be repeated or relapse again. In the medical world this is called prognosis ...

Technical surgery will be done
Nothing wrong with you also ask surgical procedures, how and in what parts of your body will be cut, how much tissue to be removed or repaired, how long the process operations and what steps need to be prepared prior to surgery, either for themselves or facilitate the surgical expedite the process pembiusannya. Should you mondok previous hospital or can be directly done on your first day in the hospital? Ask! Some doctors mebuat or show the images to increase understanding of what he wanted to explain. Though you may not understand but I hope this can be described briefly in your mind which parts of your body will be cut. Serem? Ah .., no more words ..!

How long is the recovery
Recovery and how long must rely heavily treated once with an estimate of operations and the accompanying complications. For berkatagori operations mild or moderate on the consideration of his doctor's surgery probably does not require post-operative treatment further. There are current trends suggest the development of the patient to move as early as possible on the activities terbaas light will shorten the recovery period. So you really should not be afraid to move after surgery. Even on the type of clean operations, wound care operations are not only required more than two times every few days as he runs outpatient and routine activity at home. Ask your doctor how long it can work again, certainly not to be too long absent from the workplace ...

What speed and inhibits recovery?

Was used post-surgery patients are always asking "What can I eat Doc ..?" or "What I can not consume ..?" Selalukah all surgery related to diet such as the question above? Obviously, not! Even if the surgery involves the digestive tract, more precisely hal2 to consume rather than something to be avoided. More false myths that developed in the community regarding this issue. So, keep in mind what should be done to speed up healing better than the food, movement, treatment of wounds, and other matters related to daily activities.

The following stages after surgery
Make sure that your surgery lived a final treatment that is not associated with advanced surgical stage stage again, or maybe this surgery is only one series of ongoing treatment.

Metabolism, dehydration, burn fat, protein, caffeine 'physical', caffeine, adrenaline

Stretching in Bed
Instead of pressing the snooze button and hold, better stretch the body in the mattress. Let the blood flow smoothly to the squirming or raise legs up like a bicycle pedaling motion. Sit ups do too little in the bed or touch the fingertips in a sitting.

Drink water when you wake up
After sleeping for 7-8 hours, your body needs water to avoid dehydration. Lack of water will make your metabolism run very slow and you are easily attacked feeling lazy. Get used to drinking water before eating or taking tea, juice and the rest. Cells that were exposed to water will work better and burn fat.

Eating protein at breakfast
Breakfast is the time of the most important meal of the other meals. With breakfast, you will avoid eating large portions during the day. Breakfast also makes the brain work better. Do not forget to attach the protein in the breakfast menu because the protein makes the body more energy without feeling sleepy.

Sports or jogging
Exercise the same as drinking a glass of caffeine 'physical'. Starting and heating days with little physical activity will launch metabolism and prevent a person from stress. If you can not exercise outdoors, do a small run or jog for 10 minutes in the front yard.

Drinking a cup of coffee or tea
Caffeine in coffee or tea can trigger adrenaline in your body and make you more 'up' and excited. Simply 1 cup of coffee or tea in the morning, no more than that because of excess caffeine will only make your heart disease.

Scaly and itchy skin

Does your skin disorder that only in one place, or some other body dibagian.

If only in one place that it is likely because of eczema, and the cause is allergies or it could be due to chronic scratching continuously.

If allergies cause must be sought allergic to anything, and we avoid, whereas if the result of scratching it should not scratch-scratch.

Because if it feels good to scratch, scrape the skin, new skin comes thicker, harder carded and so on. Well this cycle we must break with the provision of cream and also not carded. Easily cured hopefully guaranteed.


Julia Perez I Photo Bugil I photo sexy I and much more!

Lots of businessmen and overseas Internet users all over the photos for beautiful women, celebrities, artists, photo models in cyberspace.

Circulated photos exciting Julia Perez (Jupe) was not surprised anymore, the soccer player Cristian Gaston Castano on the internet. Jupe confirmed launch ngeles aka avoidance stance.
On the Internet, appears Jupe and exciting photos soccer player's Persiba Agentina origin. Both appeared on the deck of the boat. Jupe poses very hot. Wearing a blue bikini, do not hesitate Jupe hug Gaston athletic body.
In fact, there are Jupe pose onto the shoulders Gaston. Thigh smooth and sensitive areas in Jupe clung around his neck.

Jupe is found in the FX, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta, Wednesday (11/3/2009), was trying to avoid reporters' questions cecaran.
"I do not know, I should just see his picture. I had a walk with a friend," said Jupe.

He requested that his divorce problems Damian Perez not associated with the other problems. Including the emergence of these photos.
"Nah no bearing on this issue with other issues. Gaston I like friends. He supported me a career," explained the actress who often beradegan bed in the movie.

Jupe's attorney, Gusti Randa, who was on the Jupe, cut off reporters' questions directly.
"He could go as anyone else. It do not matter," said Gusti. (


Artist Julia Perez on defamation with photos Bugil? Naked?

Julia Perez was speechless after reported cases of photographs circulating in the media seronoknya edition yesterday and the capital today. He came to the Central Police Services (PRS) Polda Metro Jaya, Tuesday (6 / 3), to ask for legal protection and asked police to investigate the perpetrators spread photos of him on the Internet and published a daily paper the initials AM capital.

"I'm shocked," she sighed while short tears. Julia Perez did not dispute that the image is indeed him. He admitted, photographs were taken in mid-2006 in a photocall to an Internet site. There are two shooting sessions are done at the time, a regular photo shoot at the first session and at the second session with exciting pose.

However, he stressed that the photographs in the second session is not for publication.

However, on the front page of a newspaper circulating capital today, a picture of a hot Julia Perez pose wearing almost no clothes. Bottoms covered only by a piece of red cloth, while his chest was covered only two hands.

Accompanied by his legal, Dwi Heri Sulistyawan SH, Julia asked for police protection at the same time asking the perpetrator to prove the spread of these photographs. He immediately reported this case because it believed that he was innocent and he did not disseminate it to seek sensation. He was accused of just looking worried mere popularity.

According to Dwi, clients reported that newspaper photographs spread on the basis of Article 338 of the Criminal Code and Law on abuse of the rights of Copyright 19/1992 Article 72 juncto 75. According to him, his client as a victim and not the party who pass it on. Photo exciting it to a private collection, but it was distributed without permission of the rights and Julia.

Photo Julia Perez, Julia Perez Scandal, and Shur Julia Perez Photo

Julia Perez is a name that is sensational in the world of artists and the virtual world.

Bravery in dress and sexy poses his many decorating popular magazines in Indonesia. No wonder dong kalo dihisai magazines all beautiful models, sexy artist, when the photographs of topless syurnya circulating in cyberspace with honest he dared to admit that it emang original photo itself, without need of proof of telematics expert: Roy Suryo.

Then when it launched its first album in the world of drag votes bertitle: Kamasutra, he returned to sensation by dividing the free condoms in

framework of his album promotion. Jupe yah emang always make a pretty horrendous sensation and enliven the world keartisan in Indonesia.

And the sensation is always in waiting by all those seeking the news and the man in this country. We'll see sexinya poses yuk ....

Which could be symptoms of tumor / cancer Brain

The brain is the center of life. All the activities of life, so that every detail, can only occur through a mechanism regulated by the brain. In the same time the brain must perform thousands of activities at once. For example, when we walked on the edge of a busy road, so set your mind stepping foot, set the eyes to see the sights and the situation around and save it in memory, had the ear caught the sound in both stores, interpret, and respond to it. When suddenly heard the sound of a horn from behind the lightning-quick brain had jumped to the edge of the foot, sent the neck to look back, telling wide-eyed, had tensed muscles to cope with emergency situations, had the heart to pump blood faster, get your nose fixed breathing , and many more to be arranged, sometimes even in time-ordered sempatnya cursing mouth ....

All that can be implemented together as part of the brain is governed by different. Yes, the brain has many parts that have different functions. Broadly speaking, the brain is divided into three parts, namely a large brain (cerebrum), cerebellum (cerebellum), and brain stem (brain stem). Each section is divided again into sections smaller, smaller, and smaller again. Interstellar space is filled with the liquid part of the brain (cerebrospinal fluid), while the exterior is protected by three layers of the lining of the brain (meninges) plus skull.

Like parts of another body, the brain can be affected by tumors or cancer. The difference is, if the other body parts sometimes benign tumors do not interfere and harmless, benign tumors in the brain also can be very disturbing and endangering lives.

A large part of the brain that the body has a regulatory function different makes tumors and brain cancer have a very varied symptoms. Symptoms that appear depend on which part of the brain tumors arise.

Dr. Japardi Iskandar explains common symptoms of cancer and brain tumors are as follows:

General cerebral symptoms
May be mild mental changes (psychomotor asthenia), which can be perceived by the patient's family include: irritability, emotional instability, forgetfulness, slowing of mental and social activities, loss of initiative and spontaneity, may be found anxiety and depression. These symptoms went progressive and can be found in 2 / 3 cases.

Head Pain
An estimated 1% cause headache is a brain tumor and 30% of a brain tumor early symptoms are sore head. Meanwhile, more symptoms were found 70% of cases. The nature of head pain varies from mild and episodic to severe and throbbing, typically gain weight at night and on waking in the morning and in the circumstances which occur high intracranial pressure elevation. The existence of headache with psychomotor asthenia have suspected a brain tumor.

There are at 30% of cases and generally meyertai headache. More often found in tumors in the posterior fossa, most are projectile vomiting and was accompanied by nausea.

Seizures can be a revival of the early symptoms of brain tumors in 25% of cases, and more than 35% of cases at an advanced stage. An estimated 2% of the rise of seizures are a brain tumor.
Need suspected cause is the rise of a brain tumor seizure if:
- Rise of the first seizure at the age of more than 25 years
- Experiencing post iktal paralysis
- Experiencing the status of epilepsy
- Resistant to epilepsy drugs
- Resurrection is accompanied by symptoms of other intracranial high pressure.
Seizures rise 70% found in brain tumors in the cortex, 50% of patients with astrositoma, 40% in patients with meningioma, and 25% in glioblastoma multiforme.

Symptoms of High intracranial pressure (TTIK)
Form of headache complaints in the frontal and occipital areas that arise in the morning and evening, projectile vomiting and decreased awareness. On examination found papil udem. This situation needs immediate action because each threat can occur when herniation. Moreover, it can be found by parese N. VI VI by teregangnya N. TTIK. Tumors often give TTIK symptoms without focal symptoms or lateralisasi is meduloblatoma, spendimoma of ventricle III, haemangioblastoma cerebellum, and craniopharingioma.

In addition to the above general symptoms there specific symptoms based on the location and function of the brain that was attacked. Include:

Frontal lobe tumors:
- Changes in behavior and personality
- Reduction in the ability assess something
- Decrease the power of smell
- Decrease memory
- Paralysis on one side of the body
- The decline of mental function / cognitive
- Reduction of vision and eye nerve inflammation

Tumors in the parietal lobe:
- Reduction in the ability to speak
- Not able to write
- Not able to recognize someone
- Seizure
- Disorientation space

Tumors in the occipital lobe:
- Loss of vision in one or both eyes
- Seizure

Temporal lobe tumors:
- Reduction in the ability to speak
- Seizure
- Sometimes no symptoms at all

Posterior fossa tumors:
- Disturbance walk
- Nyeri head
- Vomiting

Tumors in Cerebello Pontin Angie:
- Hearing loss

Brain stem tumors:
- Changes in behavior and emotional (more sensitive, easily offended)
- It's hard to talk and swallow
- Drowsiness
- Headache, especially in the morning
- Loss of Hearing
- The weakness of the nerves on one side of the face
- The weakness of the nerves on one side of the body
- Uncontrollable Movement
- Loss of vision, the eyelids closed, crossed, etc..
- Vomiting

Brain tumors in the membrane:
- Headache
- Loss of hearing
- Disturbance talk
- Inkontinensi (inability to control urination / large)
- Mental and emotional disturbances (apathy, anarchists, etc.)
- Drowsiness prolonged
- Seizure
- Loss of vision

Pituitary gland tumors:
- Stopping of menstruation (amenorrhea)
- Producing milk
- Impotence

Tumors in the hypothalamus:
- Disorders of sexual development in children
- Little
- Stopping of menstruation (amenorrhea)
- Fluid and electrolyte disorders

Tumors in the ventricle:
- Hydrocephalus
- Stiff neck
- Head tilted
- Sudden head pain
- Blurred vision
- The decline of consciousness

Despite having one or more symptoms as above only, not necessarily a tumor or brain cancer. To ensure that need to be direct examination by a specialist (surgeon) nerve and further investigation such as CT scans, MRI, angiogram, myelogram, spinal tap, and biopsy