Gastroenterology, gastritis, peptic ulcers, stomach, Ulcer disease and its complications

Gastritis or ulcers, better known as derived from the Greek gastro, which means the stomach or the stomach and itis which means inflammation or inflammation. If left untreated, gastritis can lead to complications.

Gastritis can cause peptic ulcers and bleeding in the stomach. Some forms of chronic gastritis may increase the risk of gastric cancer, especially if there is a continuous thinning of the walls of the stomach and changes in the cells of the stomach wall.

Most gastric cancers are adenocarcinomas, which begins in glandular cells in the mucosa. Adenocarcinomas type 1 infection usually occurs due to H. pylori. Other types of cancer associated with infection by H. pylori is the MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue) lymphomas, the cancer is growing slowly at the immune system tissue in the stomach wall. This type of cancer can be cured if found at an early stage.

Gastritis therapy depends on the specific causes and may require changes in lifestyle, medication or, in rare cases, surgery to treat it.

Stomach acid irritates inflamed tissue in the stomach and cause pain and inflammation is more severe. That is why, for most types of gastritis, treatment involves medications that reduce or neutralize stomach acid such as:

1. Antacids. Antacids are drugs that can be liquid or tablet form and is a drug commonly used to overcome mild gastritis. Antacids neutralize stomach acid and can eliminate the pain caused by stomach acid quickly.

2. Acid inhibitors. When antacids are no longer able to cope with the pain, your doctor will probably recommend a medication such as cimetidin, ranitidine, famotidine nizatidin or to reduce the amount of stomach acid produced.

3. Proton pump inhibitor. More effective ways to reduce stomach acid is to shut the acid pumps in the cells of the stomach producing acid. Proton pump inhibitors reduce acid by closing the work of these pumps. Which include drug class is omeprazole, lansoprazole, rabeprazole and esomeprazole. These drugs also inhibit the type of work H. pylori.

4. Cytoprotective agents. The drugs in this group can help to protect the tissues that line the stomach and small intestine. Belonging to it is sucraflate and misoprostol. If taking medications regularly AINS (for some reason), doctors usually recommend taking drugs of this class. Cytoprotective other agents are bismuth subsalicylate also inhibits activity of H. pylori.

Therapy against H. pylori

There are several regimens in overcoming infections H. pylori. The most commonly used is a combination of antibiotics and proton pump inhibitor. Sometimes also added subsalycilate bismuth. Antibiotics work to kill bacteria, a proton pump inhibitor serves to ease the pain, nausea, heals inflammation and improve the effectiveness of antibiotics.

Therapy against infection H. pylori does not always work out, speed to kill H. pylori is very diverse, depending on the regimen used. However, the combination of three drugs seems more effective than the combination of two drugs. Therapy in the long term (over 2 weeks of therapy compared with 10 days) also appear to increase effectiveness.


Hula Hoop is a tool for powerful sport burns calories

Hula hoop more popular as a toy as a child. Hula hoops But now more widely used by adults as a means of exercise. Hula hoop to burn calories effectively in large numbers and create a slim stomach.

Hula hoop whose name is taken from the Hawaiian hula dance became popular in the 1950s when Alex Tolmer sell these plastic circle in shopping centers.

"Sports hula hoops can burn up to 600 calories per one-hour exercise," says Christabel Zamor a teacher hula hoops and CEO of HoopGirl Inc. quoted from ABCNews, Saturday (26/9/2009).

Exercise hula hoops would be better if done while listening to music. Practicing hula hoops while listening to music can give you motivation to burn calories, strengthen the heart rhythm, making a flat stomach and strengthen the spine.

Sports can do to burn 100 calories in 10 minutes by doing the twist is equivalent to walking at moderate speeds. Besides this movement also gave emphasis on sports or abdominal muscles, and can reduce the incidence of back pain and injury.

Other benefits can be obtained from the hula hoop exercise is to create a flat stomach and help shape six pack stomach that many desirable people.

Although the movement only hula hoops spinning around in the mid part of the stomach, you should still do some exercises that right. Or it could also exercise classes that provide exercise hula hoops, so they can practice a lot of movement and get more maximum.

The important thing to do is adjust the size of the body with a circle of the hula hoop itself. Smaller circle will be more difficult for beginners to do the twist more rapidly. Hula hoop smaller also provides greater pressure and makes the stomach sick. Should adjust the size of hula hoops that are not too small or too big.

Delirium, syndrome, cognitive, nervous system, systemic, intoxication, or even drop out drug reaction toxic substances

Delirium is a syndrome with the main symptoms of the disorder usually appear kedasaran in the form of constraints on cognitive function. Delirium has several causes. Everything has a pattern similar symptoms associated with the level of consciousness and cognitive pendeita. The main cause is from the central nervous system diseases, systemic disease, intoxication, or even drop out drug reaction toxic substances.

While several factors influence the occurrence of this disease, among others; age, history of delirium in the family, alcohol dependence, diabetes, cancer, sensory disturbances, or malnutrition. People with this disease picture can vary highly depending on the individual. But for sure that the patient mengalamin memory loss and cognitive.

The symptoms are: People with mental disorders typically show signs such as drowsiness, mistaken understanding of time, space and people, have no orientation.

Simple maintenance should be done to restore the mental patient is to give them the attention of people around. Also need to take the patient to a mental hospital.

Bacteria in the intestines Evolve Become More Malignant

Increased bacterial infection Clostridium difficile last few years more genetic changes caused by these bacteria rather than due to the dirty environment such as in hospitals. Researchers in England found that there are bacteria in the intestine is transformed into increasingly fierce.

Comparison of types of bacteria that have been used to attack the type of bacteria that cause outbreaks at Stoke Mandeville hospital in England in 2003 is different. Because of the kind that causes plague has been found to evolve into a more virulent bacteria, can spread easily and cause more severe symptoms, as reported in Genome Biology Journal.

The bacteria are in fact already present in the intestines of healthy adults for 3 percent and the baby as much as 66 percent. These bacteria are rarely a problem if the normal amount in the body. But if the normal balance of bacteria in the gut is disrupted, such as the use of certain antibiotics can be a major cause of diarrhea.

In the last five years, found a new species of bacterium C.difficile PCR ribotype-027 which can cause a person to experience severe diarrhea and had an average high mortality.

Complete genome analysis of bacterial species that is evolving and old species of bacteria showed that bacteria have a gene that can make it to survive in the environment, spread more easily and cause severe pain. In total, five different genetic regions have been accumulated in the bacteria for some time ago.

"This study may help researchers to understand how the C.difficile bacteria can become very aggressive," said Professor Brendan Wren Chairman of researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, as quoted by the BBC, Monday (28/9/2009).

Brendan Wren added steps hygiene is still needed to prevent people infected with these bacteria, such as washing hands and keeping the number of bacteria remained normal in the gut. C.difficile bacteria all require care and vigilant infection control procedures to reduce infection rates.

Alcohol, Drugs Poisons Together for Brain, catecholamines, hormones, adrenaline, dopamine

Very many drivers had an accident with a car or motorcycle driving from drinking alcohol. But the researchers found alcohol could actually be a potent drug that protects the brain from injury at the time of the accident itself. A study published in the Archives of Surgery prove it. 

In a study involving 38,000 patients in U.S. hospitals who experienced brain injury between 2000 and 2005, as many as 38 percent of their blood alcohol injuries. But surprisingly, patients whose blood contains alcohol have less injuries than those who never drank alcohol. 

"It just raises more questions than answers. To say that alcohol is good is not easy because alcohol is not good for health. But the alcohol proved to be saving someone from a brain injury is more severe the accident," said one doctor from the General Surgery Residency Educational Program at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles as quoted from Health. 

Each year about 2 million people in the United States suffered a brain trauma injury, and 50,000 of them died, while another 80,000 permanent brain impairment. Alcohol contributes about 40 percent of car accidents, and half the victims was hospitalized with injuries in the brain. 

"This discovery could help researchers to develop new types of therapy for patients with alcohol injuries and brain trauma, but certainly with a certain alcohol limit," Salim said. 

If you compare the numbers of deaths due to brain injury among those who drank alcohol and what not, were those who drank alcohol mortality rate was 7.7 percent, lower than those who drank no alcohol is 9.7 percent. 

Is not clear why alcohol can help reduce injuries in the brain. But researchers suspect that alcohol can reduce the effects of catecholamines, hormones like adrenaline and dopamine are released the body of post-traumatic accident. 

"Alcohol also helps lower the body temperature will slow death of the body cells and brain and prevent swelling and bleeding caused by heavy impact on the time of the accident," clearly says one professor, professor of neurosurgery at the University of California, Los Angeles. 

But how many levels of alcohol that can save someone from a brain injury remains to be investigated because alcohol consumption is definitely there should be a limit. "There needs to be dose and the proper way to make it as therapy, for giving alcohol after the accident would not be useful,".

Alcohol abuse

For convenience of reference for people with alcohol abuse and dependence, it is called as alcoholism. This term may be less precise, but it is technically and medically may be more easily understood. 

Misuse of alcohol is in the habit of drinking alcohol is dangerous, such as drunk every day or drank in large quantities at any time. Misuse of alcohol can damage the social relations of the patient. Why, people will lose their jobs and may conflict or deal with legal problems. If these abuses continue dilajutkan are the consequences of alcohol dependence. 

In addition to knowledge, the doctors in the U.S. only allows women to drink 3 sips a drink or 7 sips of the week with a standard (a bottle of beer, 1 glass of wine, or a mixture of alcohol 1). Whereas for men, 4 sips of a drink or 14 sips in a week. 

The doctor will check the patient's health if found in clinical symptoms. They also know the mental patient, whether or not depression. 

Treatment for alcoholism depends on how bad a result for the patient alkol. But most of all in the treatment of alcoholics is the awareness to reduce or stop drinking alcohol altogether.


Dessert can also be lit sexual arousal, especially when eaten on the partner's body

Dessert was not only delicious eaten after the main menu, dessert was also capable of sexual arousal lit, especially when eaten on the partner's body. No harm in trying it, enjoy lovemaking techniques appropriate variations menu favorite cover. A strategy that not only spoil the tongue tastes, but also heating your love of adventure together. 

A mixture of sweet and juicy with a delicious aroma you could melenakan. When you feel your tongue touch the delicious dessert, you'll automatically feel a very pleasant sensation. It turned out that all kinds of food can be a 'sexy' and delicious, not least with the pleasures of sex itself. 
This can be made as one of the variations in sex. Make the dessert attraction to heat your love of adventure of fun until delivery of new surprises. Although previously known as Shasimi, ie above the navel eating women, but this variation is more sensational. That is because the smell of closing the menu on its own sensational sensory stimuli, which was captured by the smell and recorded by the brain and inspire tongue to want to feel the pleasure of the scent is tervisualisasi. 
There is a special scent can evoke sexual desire quickly, which is a combination of lavender and pumkin pie. While the donut and licorice into second place for the scent of this passion plant.


The cause of impotence, Depression, Anxiety, Diabetes, Organs, Medicine

Many who argue that the impotency is more caused by psychological factors, aka psychic. In fact, according to some research about 80% to 90% of impotence caused by physical factors. What are the major factors that often affect the problem this man? 

Depression is another form of psychological influence as the cause of impotence. Unfortunately, some anti-depressant medications can actually cause a man difficult to erect. But those who major depression is very dependent on the drug. How is the solution? Sexual aids / sex toy might be a temporary solution. To further added, can consult with your doctor so that he can infer what the drug most suitable for your consumption. 

When a man in a state of anxiety or even stress, men sometimes difficult to be an erection. Stress or anxiety can hinder a man to concentrate on certain conditions. 

In the United States, an estimated eight million men who suffer from diabetes. Of this amount half suffer from impotence predicted. The remainder, classified as a strong candidate for impotence problems. 

Organs that are not functioning properly can cause impotence. For example due to arteriosclerosis or trauma caused by many things such as accidents, accidents and other sports. 

Many drugs circulating in the market yag potentially cause problems for male impotence. For example, medications for high blood pressure, anti depressants, eye drops for glaucoma sufferers and chemotherapy treatment for cancer patients, and many more other drugs that have the potential to cause male impotence. 

Other causes of impotence can be due to hormonal and neurological factors. Thus, these factors are among several factors causing male virility becomes sluggish. If your partner fails to erection problems or sluggish, you should help as hard as the best way for your partner out of trouble so hated by this man.


Things that make sex in a marriage to be fun and rewarding

To achieve maximum results from your efforts to give a surprise to her husband's bed, of course you must keep it secret. It is not difficult to do, for example by setting an alarm clock 15 minutes earlier than usual. When you wake up from sleep in the morning, right up against the pair and reached into his pajamas husband on the most sensitive part to tell the husband that you wanted to do 'business' with him. 

You can also sneak into the bathroom while your husband was in the shower and gave the event a memorable shower with abundant foam and sensual touches. If the early morning at your house is a moment of noisy and full of activities (the kids ready to go to school, my husband would get up late for work), change it down to the afternoon or evening, or do on the weekends. 

To ensure 100% full of surprises intimate activities is also satisfying for you, do something to help your mind and the conditions are in the right mood for sex. "A few moments before giving a surprise, think of the things erotic husband related to you. You can remember the fragrance of her body, the things that made it seem sexy or even remember the most memorable sexual activity that you've done with my husband," said Van Meter . 

Emosinal sexual connection and this, added Van Meter, is the thing that makes sexual activity in a marriage to be fun and rewarding. So, do not let time pass without a deal 'business' with my hubby.


Without effort, sexual activity just above the bed just

A study of sexual behavior showed that the right sexual relations and lasting harmony can not be achieved naturally. It must be learned and nurtured with the couple. 

Without effort, sexual activity just above the bed alone. Furthermore the relationship was the cause of vulnerable penceraian and infidelity. Therefore, the creation and intelligence in terms of sexual risk is needed to push the sliding partner relationship towards disharmony 

Intelligence can not be separated with a positive perception. In this case the couple is required to have a good perception of sexual life. Assumption that sex is a taboo to be removed away. With this in mind, both women and men can openly express dissatisfaction with the constraints or intimate relationship that they do. 

When sexual pleasure is only perceived by one side only, will quickly lead to burnout. Not just for old married couples only, but also very risky for the newly married couples though. 

In the old couple, sexual saturation mainly due monotoni, both in terms of mood and sexual behavior may continue to be maintained, even enhanced. Keep the creativity of each pair.


This oil is antinyeri, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodik, antidepressant, antiseptic. Improve your sex with your partner

Essential oils have the same effect with the drug. This oil is antinyeri, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodik, antidepressant, antiseptic. 

This oil can also be used to improve the quality of your relationship with your spouse. 

Jasmine Essential Oil 
You remember when a traditional bride, the scent of jasmine was so strong? That means our ancestors already knew the scent of jasmine is a love potion. Euphoric effects of jasmine can liberate your sexual fantasies. 

Ylang essential oil is more often called Ylang-Ylang. The sweet aroma relaxes you, so reducing stress. 

Bunga Jeruk 
This essential oil is used to increase the passion and release the pent passion. 

Clary Sage 
The smell of this oil also has the effect of euphoria and relaxes the body. 

Sandalwood essential oil is helpful to overcome depression often cause sexual problems. 

Roses are often used as a symbol of love. Fragrant scent can also increase arousal.


Healthy sex tips in the narrow circumstances but can be comfortable for you and your partner

In a household, sometimes not much time available to have sex with your partner. Moreover, not only the contents of the house with the couple lived together. The presence of children and other family members often make it difficult for couples looking for the right time to do different variations to make love, but in the room. 

If so, each pair must be more clever choosing the right time to have sex relations were running smoothly, without any interruption from a variety of things. If you happen to find both the right time to make love, do not wait long. Present perfect romantic in your love relationship. 

Joking both prior to foreplay, is a smart way to make your relationship more harmonious. According to Sari Locker, author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex, expense undertaken before entering into sexual activity menu is one thing that really determines the satisfaction of each partner, especially women. 

That is why, if you get the right moment to make love, make the most of the best. Ask your partner to the room. Take off your clothes, wear only underwear only. Do the same for your spouse. Make scenarios so that he looked relaxed and wanted to have just joking with you. 

Some Western experts often recommend sex couples to seduce women with male partners who pampered style. Men often can not help teasing her partner's desire to dikala spoiled. So, Coda him with exotic movement, the whisper of spoiled. With a sexy outfit you have been deemed sufficient to make 'burning', especially if you hugged him spoiled, according to Sari Locker. Furthermore, did you get into foreplay menu, then slowly move to the main menu.


In Sex problems. information from the head of Beverly Hills Center for Sexual Medicine

How Do I Want To Wife Invited Experimenting in bed ....? 
This is one question that is quite often comes to haunt the minds of men. On average, most men are more frequent sexual fantasies and have sexual fantasies more than women. 

In addition, the men sometimes also hope that his wife or partner would do what he fantasikan. Only, they doubted whether the wives and sexual partners they want to do it. The men also are afraid his wife would be offended if he asked his wife to do experiments, particularly if the fantasy that he wanted classified as not public, such as strange positions that can be seen in blue films, or in kamasutra book. 

According to Uri Pelles, MD, head of the Beverly Hills Center for Sexual Medicine, United States, to persuade her partner, the man must convince his wife that their sexual relationship has been running fine, saying that he wanted them both to try something new in sex. 

"And, if the wife agreed to a new position, for example, do not do it only once. Try to practice several times before deciding they like it or not," said Barry McCarthy, Ph.D., author of Couple Sexual Awareness. You can also play an active role to realize the fantasy husband. For example, by asking it to new positions or ask your partner about what he wanted.


There are two types of variations that are very recognizable, popular and commonly performed by each partner

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Sex is the process of coitus until ejaculation, but for women, foreplay is the most meaningful thing before orgasm occurs

How to create a beautiful heating, required maturity and understanding attitude from the men. There are eight things to note before sex. 

Romantic atmosphere 
The atmosphere can affect the readiness to form and emotion needed in the heating process. In general, for women, the atmosphere relaxed, unhurried and gentle romance that will describe, is a dream needs. Soft music, dim lights, photo memories or treat movie glorifies love and affection can be prepared as early or during the warm-up for women 

Places Privacy 
Women generally prefer a place that has privacy, such as bedrooms, hotel rooms, resort or villa for sex activity. Perhaps living room, kitchen or sitting in a park where you can for example be used, but it must be ensured that no one else there. This privacy place will make you and your partner feel safe and comfortable, so the possibility to build and stimulation will arouse emotions better. 

Sexy makeup 
The man you generally will be more aroused when watching female couples wearing sexy clothes and 'invite lust'. Many men who were moved when the woman partner wearing tight, transparent clothes, lingerie or even a nightdress and stimulating perfume. 

In the study, most women were also wants the same thing. Women will prefer his partner in a clean, neatly trimmed chin, slightly perfumed, even wearing sexy clothes, like pants that accentuated form the vital organs, bare chests, even the G-String. With a sexy outfit, sexual emotions will be awakened and you've started means perfect foreplay activities. 

Open communication 
Optimal sex could happen because of spontaneity. But good sex is sex openly communicated. Good communication will show that you and your partner no gaps, so that all activities will be conducted with no problem. You two can discuss and communicate what form of heating fitting and beautiful spur excitement. Because, just maybe, your spouse wants a less common heating. 

Rayuan Bullshit 
Women do not question whether the seduction of men say their partner rag or not, because he really liked the dream sentences that will generate emotions. If necessary, give a bunch of flowers or other gifts to the woman feels, how she was so mean and you so wish. In ordinary circumstances, the bright eyes, lips that invite or even make up his butt lust will make uncomfortable and vulgar, but was burned when in a state of foreplay. 

Touch of Love 
Touch is the main part of foreplay activity because it is direct action that results directly as well. Soft touch wherever your metabolism will burn the blood of female partners, because the touch can be interpreted as an expression of affection and love. Try, stroke your hair female partner. Kiss her forehead, rub his back, or thigh or leg massage. When it's done with feeling, is more than enough to fly into space feeling. 

Point - Point Erotica 
A gentleman who did not want to disappoint her partner must know that women's sexual secrets. Must know the points that must be managed erotica in the form of touch, caress, kiss, bite, or pressure to pair really achieve emotional maturity, so that really prepared to do genital penetration. 

Erotic spots women generally are in the breasts, armpits, ears back, mouth, breast, leg / thighs, genital organs, the G-spot and clitoris, so that a man must be creative in stimulating maximum pleasure. 

Passion Peak 
When was the heating should be switched over and genital penetration? There was no definite time limit. Western men tend to prolong the process of this foreplay that women liked because there is more time for bermanja-spoiled in nature romanticism. But the truth is that know when sex desire is a second peak pair. 

The man can see when the woman was so excited that genital penetration can be done at the right time and mature. When sexual emotions in this peak condition, most likely, that sex will get the maximum results. Especially if followed by the techniques of burning love.


Sex is the process of coitus until ejaculation, but for women, foreplay is the most meaningful thing before orgasm occurs


Chocolate bar can help men and women in reaching orgasm

Sex expert Dr Trudy Barber expressed in the European Sex Conference in Brighton that chocolate bar can help men and women to achieve orgasm when they have sex. 

Say, a rich chocolate phenyl ethylamine substance similar to what was issued by the body when having sex. In the chocolate bar is obtained when 660mg phenyl ethylamine. This substance is directly related to dopamine and adrenaline that serves to enhance the body's sensations. 

Even according to Dr. Barber, the chocolate bars are now sold phenyl ethylamine common with the higher levels so often found that the sensation of orgasm when the person consumes chocolate. 

In addition to facts about chocolate, Dr Barber revealed he was building a robotic prostitutes to replace the role of humans as the present situation. Another thing that is currently developed is a sensor to determine loyalty partner. The tool is designed to record changes in body temperature and detect whether the owners of these bodies have been having sex with someone before. 

Dr. Barber, of the University of Canterbury says the sexual interaction with today's technology will change drastically. Because many inventions and new methods are being tested in the laboratory 
or directly tested in the field.


The eyes of women, there are 7 things you should know and run. Emotion Understanding, Giving Attention, Declaration of Love, Passion Without Burden, B

A great man not only has the ability to give sexual satisfaction to her partner, but also understand the hearts and minds of women. But, how to be a great man in the eyes of women. At least there are 7 things you should know and run. 

Understanding Emotions 
Women are emotional beings. He often could not ignore the feelings in the act, whether in daily activities or sexual. Therefore, male spouses should try to understand the desires, hopes and female partner preferences. In general, women wanted tenderness, not in a hurry or maybe vice versa. But by engaging their emotions, women will give full confidence in her partner. With this belief, he will receive a deficiency that may be owned by men. 

Giving Attention 
No one who does not like attention, let alone women. With such attention, he will become an important, needed and appreciated. With the award, he did not hesitate to give and give what is needed, including in terms of sex, though maybe there is not really preferred. Attention must not only be a gift, but also the sayings of love and willingness to listen. 

Declaration of Love 
For men, love is action. But women are more confident if there statements and expressions in the form of verbal and artificial. Words and sentences smelling love, the praises and the dream is the fulfillment of emotional needs. Romantic symbols like the smell of perfume, beautiful bedroom, the music, to gently touch and kiss is a beautiful dream come true. Now, what happens to women who feel so loved and is loved by her partner? If you're an ordinary guy just in terms of sex, believe me, your female partner still think your a great guy. Especially if you can satisfy them. 

Passion Without Load 
Many couples who do something because a particular target. Because it is usually specific and well-wishes and a specific outcome. For example, the material at a particular time must be achieved certain results, as well as in the sex though. That should be three times a week and couples should get the point of orgasm. 

Theoretically, plans and targets are a good idea, but emotionally able to provide the load that can disrupt the growth process of arousal. And stimulate passion is very important partner to enhance our sexual pleasure. Learn the sensitive points of the couple to grow that passion really ready to make love. 

Be Serving 
There are assumptions that have lasted a long time, women are in a position to serve. How current is reversed? With increasing education, information and also a shift in social order and culture, now no longer a man is like the king of his time to fulfill the desire and his will be served. For more appreciative and happy girl, now he had to suppress self-interest by providing services. Ask what will and what makes them satisfied and happy, fulfilled and done with all my heart. 

Emotions and Physical Man 
Whatever you do, the result will be more leverage if you are in good health physically and spiritually. Therefore, keep the condition of your body to stay healthy and sound. Medicines and various supplements may help, but adequate exercise, healthy food is always necessary no matter how old you are to keep fit. You see, if you are in a state remains sluggish and sickly, how to please your mate? Which is also not less important is how to learn to stabilize emotions. Patient, mature and calm, do not fall for it. 

Master the technique and style of Sex 
Of course, to become a great man in bed, must know and master the knowledge of maximum sex. Of if sex is not only the level contact vital organs (coitus), but also an exciting foreplay and afterplay fun. Also how women can have an orgasm, although the only guarantee to make a satisfying pleasure. By mastering the techniques and styles to make love, I hope you are not only concerned with their own satisfaction.


10 points in the body of a woman who makes passionate love with your partner churn

 Women basically most like to be touched and caressed in any way. However, you can maximize satisfaction by concentrating on 10 points at women's bodies. This will make your partner passion raging. 

This is the most erotic part of female sensual zone. "Although not visible, but the brain is the most sensual parts of female erotic zone," said Steve Cappelini, author of Massage for Dummies, a Reference for the Rest of Us. So point your fingers trace the couple skulls. Caress like this will make your partner feel comfortable to start doing sex ritual. 

Whispering words of affectionate praise your partner's ear. For example, "Your body's so beautiful 'or' I know you want me, darling!" After that, play well your tongue gently on the ear. Got a touch like this, you will be guaranteed a direct partner `on '. 

Women also like it when the face stroked. Point your fingers to your eyelids, cheeks and lips. Give kisses too lightly in parts of the erotic. Then play the hair. Gently stroked her hair and lift upward, so that your spouse neck visible. tlnda able to explore part, by blowing warm breath on your partner's neck and kissed him. 

Kissing the fingers one by one your partner. "It's very erotic because you can see the expression on his face full of love," said Sari Locker, author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex. Intriguing light bite at the fingers on your partner will also make her passion burn. 

This is one of the most sensitive part of the female body. Areola (brown area surrounding the nipple) are also very sensitive to touch. In addition to stroking with the hand, you can also stimulating the tongue, lips and the tip of Mr. P you. 

Navel and Thumb 
Many men who do not know if these two areas also has an erotic element in women. So try suction thumb your female partner and also her navel niche stimulation using your tongue. Caress like this will make your partner feel amused, but at the same time delicious. 

Hat Clitoris 
Caress your next directed to the surface of your partner's clitoris. Move your fingers up and down between the labia, and finally entered the Miss V. Such advances will make your partner feel the enormity of love. 

Groin or perineum is highly sensitive area of women, because it close to the anus is surrounded by tens of nerve endings. According to Sari Locker, a woman will be aroused when stimulated around her perineum. Do this stimulation by using the tongue or your fingers, and let your partner feel the awesomeness lowing spoiled 'action' you are. 

Appropriate stimulation in this section is that you give it lip service. Do it as part of foreplay. Previously, touch Miss V pairs from the outer part. When the couple began passionately, before starting the activity with your tongue, move up and down at about that section. 

Caressing your partner's thigh that began tightening, and please explore. Use your hands or your fingertips to stroke. Then explore your partner's entire body, starting from the ankles, until finally stuck around breasts.


Aka quickie Quickie Sex. The man thought a quickie is a challenge that has its own sensation

Sex for every human being is an expression of biological desires boarded by lust. Similarly, sex for men. Sex in any category and conditions are generally preferred by the this adam. included in the category quickie Quickie Sex aka. The man thought a quickie is a challenge that has its own sensation. 

Men think sex is one of the flash bercintanya style of a real man. Fast, fierce, passionate and hot. Regarding the place, could be anywhere from public toilets, lifts, meeting rooms or even in the living room when the children were asleep. It is said that this type of love style can produce a sensation of pleasure itself. Sense of pounding that comes from fear 'caught' the men felt able to raise the other sex than usual. 

Women Unpopular 
In theory, most women dream of sex is more gentle and romantic, combined with the foreplay that as long as possible. Candle light dinner and soak in two more Bathub their choice. This is of course opposed to quickie preferred by men for sex foreplay in a very minimal flash. Keep in mind, physically in female sex was more trouble achieving orgasm than men, so women need foreplay to reach orgasm. 

Namely Mutual Success Keys Wants 
According to a sex expert, George Seifer Ph. D, she was still able to do a quickie as long as he is ready and willing to be invited to do so. Women can still reach orgasm while the quality is not as good as sex foreplaynya enough. This quickie will not work if there is coercion of one party which is usually dominated by men. 
Because of the lack of awareness and desire to do a quickie, each side both the man and the woman will try to reach orgasm with their own way. At the very least, a surging libido can be a strong capital to achieve orgasm.


g-spot comes from Grafenberg, the source of pleasure, sucking her breasts and licked her clitoris always made him feel relaxed and prepared herself fo

G-spot is an area where each man spends a lot of time to keep trying to find. The reaction is usually caused quite a guy wants to find again "the source of pleasure" is. 

The letter "G" in g-spot comes from Grafenberg (Dr Grafenberg), a person who found the spot on the women who can bring them achieve extraordinary pleasure. 

Before you dig in and start looking for G-spot, remember that you should make your spouse's mind filled with love and compassion first. The following ways can you try. 

Initially, the make him comfortable. Lie on the uncomfortable, dirty environment, and you are not good breath will not be able to make him enjoy this sensation. Rest assured these places clean and also includes you. 

The second thing, talk about sex. She is your partner, tell him now you love the thought of him. Let your mind filled with all things about sex that you have done together and done enough to say it explicitly. 

Then, make him feel better. Kissing, massaging her body, sucking her breasts and licked her clitoris always made him feel relaxed and prepared herself for the top satisfaction. 

Before you start ekspolarasi, the important thing is cleanliness diperhatian as the main asset. Let your fingers are clean and nails clipped short and not rough. Here are two ways of exploration you can do without the aids. 

The most popular method to find the G-spot involving two fingers and put it in the vagina with the palm facing fingers. When you are in a two-inch, make a circular motion, you will touch something that feels like a small ball. 

Mr. Happy 
Although Mr. Happy every different form or is there a bias in one direction or another. There is also a man who has Mr. Happy biased toward the most likely to touch the region G. 

If you do not enter the above types, you have two choices. First, if Mr. Happy you leaning to the left, right or to the south, you can position themselves in a particular way in which Mr. Happy can touch the G-spot. Mr. Happy For example If you are biased toward a particular side, you can form a T position with a partner, where you lay him horizontal and vice versa. 

Second, you can let him find a position with the touch spotnya. He knows what makes you horny compared with, given the strength Mr. Happy, it is the best option.


Doing sex every day increases the sperm quality of men

According to a new study, did sex every day increases a man's sperm quality and recommended for couples who are trying to have a child. 

Until now doctors have debated whether or not he should refrain from sex for several days before making efforts to have a child with her partner to increase the chances of pregnancy. 

But a new study conducted by Dr. David Greening of Sydney IVF, an infertility treatment center and in vitro fertilization (IVF) Australia, suggest that abstinence is not the right approach. 

He studied 118 men with sperm DNA damage on average and find the quality of their sperm count increased significantly after they were told to ejaculate daily for seven days. 

On average, their DNA fragmentation index - a measure of sperm damage - fell to 26% from 34% t, Greening said the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Amsterdam. 

Sex often does reduce the volume of semen, but this is not a problem for most men. 

"It seems safe to conclude that couples who have a relative parameters of normal semen should perform sex every day for up to one week before the date of ovulation," he said. 

"In the context of assisted reproduction, this simple treatment can help improve sperm quality and ultimately achieve a pregnancy." 

Greening said that most likely frequent ejaculation increase sperm quality by reducing the length of time they are exposed to the potentially damaging molecules called reactive oxygen species in testikuler channel.


Naked, Vidioe porno, sexy woman, plump breasts, beautiful legs can all make us an erection.

Sometimes people do not realize how close the relationship between the brain and sexual orientation. Several years ago we got excited with the film Basic Instinct. In one dialogue, uttered the words Sharon Stone to Michael Douglas, if we want to have sex, what organs are stimulated first time? And, the answer is the brain. 

Examples in everyday reality. Are we going to get an erection when we are faced with tight deadlines, and in front of us there watching boss, also a beautiful woman who does not use a benangpun the body? The answer is we will not be able to get an erection. 

But will another example, when we were in a speeding car at night, when we sang songs in stereo sometimes late at night, while we are there next to a woman friend who forced us to deliver because it was too late-even though he was fully clothed, and not There maneuvers that expressed interest among us, but we certainly will carry a romantic ambience that arise. Because at that time our brains to work and build a romantic atmosphere, into a reaction that makes us drift inside. 

Also when we saw a beautiful woman, a normal response arises is how good we looked at the faces that clear. Happy feelings that arise as a result of complex work systems in our brain. Where is the impulse that we receive while looking at the face of clear, will be forwarded to the central nervous, and translated through a very complex reaction, and then it landed impulses to the septum of the thallus that is a part of the brain, then, creates a pleasant sensation.


Sex means you have to prepare, physically, mentally, knowledge. Not porn scene

Welcomed the arrival of the honeymoon for newly married couples of course is a thrilling moment. Moreover, for those of you new to first sexual intercourse as a whole. Moments honeymoon is indeed a moment anticipated by many couples in this world. Not only for the first time having sex, but who has been involved in sexual relations before felt the same moment. 

The first night of marriage, is the first night of their domestic partner status. For that, most people fill the evening with activities nan sensual passion. Behind the excited sense of this, there are some important things that must be prepared to make a moment memorable success. 

Prepare physical 
Are you ready your physical condition both for the moment that awaited? Moreover, especially for female couples. Usually, couples often tire easily of women to meet the good times are. It's good, you as a couple of women physically prepare you in advance. Condition fit body, later it will make your male partner was impressed with the treats you give up. 

Prepare mentally 
Mental readiness for you both is very important to meet these beautiful moments. Conditions at least clear mind will help you both get a satisfactory result. Communicate you both about what a lump mind. Do not let this beautiful moment slip by without a clear result. Throw away prejudices and fears of various things about penikahan or about your spouse. 

Prepare knowledge 
Sexual relations within a household is probably something new for you both. That's why you both need to expand knowledge about sexual issues within the household. Knowledge of the sensitive parts of your body and your partner, is a compass in conducting exploration to find a pleasure that can be said to the heavenly pleasure of this class. 

Not porn scene 
There are also some new partners who feel disappointed because the first night they are not as beautiful as seen in porn movies. This is a big mistake. Therefore, various games in porn movies is just for entertainment consumption. Games in the film has undergone a long edits. Although seen erotic, but usually many scenes that could make a couple of women feel less comfortable. The scene is often performed in the film, usually need some exercises, and performed by professional people for entertainment consumption. So, enjoy your wonderful night under your version of both.


Jamur Infektion, Syphilis, Ulcus Vaginistis Anhörung zum Thema Sex Sex Läuse Läuse und unter der Haut

Perform sexual fantasies are normal for women. Fantasy sex is not a dangerous and should be feared. This is not dangerous for women, as well as for men though. For the women, there are many who argue that sexual fantasy is not normal. Sexual fantasies that included sex variations.

So with masturbation for women. This is still fairly normal. Many of the rate for women that masturbation is harmful. In fact not the case. Masturbate frequently will not be a weak physical cause, as long as you enough nutrition and rest. If your nutrition and sufficient rest, your body's condition will remain stable and fresh.

Though sexual fantasies are harmless, but still not a good idea if too often. Any excess is not necessarily good. Some men still do not receive their partner during sex fantasy is sex with him. You still can do it without his knowledge. This is fine, because this course to raise your sex drive as well. Many experts consider that sex does sex fantasy woman is still in normal condition and can not be said of sexual deviations. Only, this is for some men are still considered a taboo. During the sexual fantasy that makes your sex drive increase, not a problem.

Many women who perform sex fantasies even while having sex with their partner. But, many women also assess such sex fantasy taboo and forbidden. There is no scientific study which states that sexual fantasies that lead to certain diseases and dangerous. Women just need to control myself, when would he do sex fantasy. Of course, with consideration many things. Especially the problem of space and time selection.

Women are not forbidden in the scientific side of doing the sex fantasy name. Only, there are certain codes that must be considered by women. Among these are the spouse does not show us when we're having sex with him. You see, it is feared this will offend her. Smart women can certainly choose when it's time he must perform sexual fantasies.


Ejaculation can be avoided without loss of orgasm

Several recent studies show, ejaculation can be avoided without loss of orgasm. That way, a man too many times can have an orgasm in one sexual relationship. However, this is not an easy thing to achieve by men, especially for men over the age of 20 years for men decreased reflex at that age.

According to the sex expert, Mare Simone, when a man have multiple orgasms, she will feel the same experience with the experience of women. The situation is making him experience a feeling of great joy (euphoria) and the flood of energy that emanated from his body. The man who often experience multiple orgasms is also sensitive to the surrounding environment.

After experiencing multiple orgasms without ejaculation, feeling excited, happy and full of energy that can last for several days, a man concerned more positive life experience, and ability to cope with stress also increased. This is because sexual activity that does not waste energy, because it did not ejaculate, but it became activities that add to energy.

So you can feel what is called multiple orgasms, it helps you try the steps below. First, do the preparation before having sex. For example, take a shower with aromatherapy, create a romantic atmosphere of the room, and so forth. To achieve multiple orgasms, spontaneous sexual activity is not even advisable.

Second, do the warm-up (foreplay) are adequate before sex. Third, avoid oral sex activity. Fourth, do a slow sex movement, without the rush time. Balance your body movement rhythm with your partner, and concentrate fully on all the physical and emotional sensations are perceived.


There are easy ways to improve your sex life....

Do you have decreased sexual experience? Do you feel as if you lose power which lasted no more than an hour in a sexual relationship? Do you find difficulty in maintaining a strong stamina to last more than 10 minutes? Would you like to improve the ability to persuade?

There are easy ways to improve your sex life, namely music. Not only the love songs of nostalgia, but to play the right music can easily influence a lover to be more imaginative, more sensitive, increasing stamina and endurance and will restore a tired sex life be full of experience of sex.

Why Music?
Music can make you laugh and cry. Music also can make you angry, happy, sad and happy. Under the right circumstances with the right bit, the music has the power of any feelings you're experiencing. Imagine what the music is fitting when you're making love ...

Fair to say that some people liked the music in the middle of the intimate moments with your partner feels. Unfortunately, they did not realize some of the music they play can unknowingly disturb their evening.

The types of music you play will affect your mood. Some music can make you depressed and tired. The most important thing to know is what kind of music will be played and which ones should be avoided.


Pennsylvania, USA, Dr. Michael Crigliano in his research to find the sex is one form of exercise

Sex is often associated with sexual intercourse alone. In meditation book written sex Putranto Djoko, one master reiki and meditation experts reveal sex, that a medical expert from the University of Pennsylvania, USA, Dr. Michael Crigliano in research to find the sex is a form of exercise.

Dilakuan sex every day can improve and maintain health. Physical changes that occur in the body while having sex is equivalent to the normal sports movement. Motion because the body requires a high level of adjustment. Every part of the body when not in use will weaken and eventually do not work because they then do we need sports to move your body to function properly.

Further to say that sex is a powerful drug depression. A psychologist and sex expert, Dr. Alice Landing in his research that when having sex, our bodies produce the hormone to the brain that can ease the tension. These included psychologist Sigmund Freud argued that the sex life due to unhealthy include no or poorly functioning sex. It became the main cause mental illness that eventually would spread to the physical body.

The higher the frequency of sex, the higher capacity and more healthy sexual person, "says Dr. Susan Rako, a Seksologi in his book, the hormone of desire. Furthermore, Dr. Susan says that the more frequent sex is, the higher the production of the hormone testosterone.

With a little help ointments like jelly (like hand lotion), masturbation can be done together

Apart between husband and wife are very unpleasant, especially when going for days. Perhaps many causes, whether due to run out of town services or other things.

When the husband and wife are physically far apart, sexual desire appears often easier to feel. If it's so lonely going to happen. Such conditions can be dangerous even though it depends on the processing of each individual.

One step that is safe enough to masturbate. However, masturbate alone does not seem fun. Would be more fun when done together with a partner. How? According to sex expert from Northern California, United States, John Gray Ph.D., this step might as well write a letter sex. Author of Mars and Venus in the Bedroom was said, an effort that could be quite simple.

Here's how. First, point out to your partner how berahinya and how you want berhasratnya partner near you. Ask your partner to stroke himself. Ask her to do it with my eyes closed and imagine that you're a caress it.

Of course you also do the same. Talk turns and respond to each other. Occasionally describe how you feel and how you imagine what the couple to yourself or what you did with your partner. Finally, in this way the spouse can imagine a sexual relationship.

With a little help ointments like jelly (like hand lotion), masturbation can be done together. Although this step is not really senikmat intercourse, at least not enough to close and reduce the simmering passion. All you need to look at, do not talk on your mobile phone because his voice could be leaked to radio neighbors. Make sure that you use your phone secure. This is a very personal moment for you and not for the neighbors.

"benefits" other than male masturbation activities

With the right approach, masturbation can be regarded as sexual activity without side effects. Several books about male sexuality is even suggested in certain conditions masturbate. Here are some "benefits" other than male masturbation activities.

Reduce Desire 'Court'
Single man or who live far from each other can overcome his desire for a while with masturbation as a last alternative. This way is more profitable and not risky than seeking sexual partners while, or 'snack', especially when considering the risk of AIDS or a disease transmitted through sexual contact.

Recognizing Sexual Self In
With masturbation, men can learn to recognize sexual organs in detail. For example, where the most sensitive parts on his penis, fantasy what can make him really excited, and so on. Introduction is very important to improve the quality of sexual life of the household.

Rapid desensitization
For young men and can achieve repeated ejaculation, masturbate shortly before sexual intercourse can also slow the arrival of ejaculation. However, this method is not recommended for older men or in conditions that do not fit, because it can spend its energy before the 'play'.


The doctor recommended an ultrasound examination (USG). Should ultrasound examinations during pregnancy. Read more?

Lots of ultrasound use during pregnancy (see tabel.1), although this is still a controversy whether routine ultrasound is permeriksaan during pregnancy or not. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist, ultrasound is not recommended for low-risk pregnancy (low risk pregnancy) or in other words the same ultrasound examination of the other medicine should be a clear indication. 

TABLE 1. Some indications of Ultrasound in Pregnancy 
1. Estimated gestational age by the date of the first day of last menstrual uncertain or verify the date for the woman who will do fault recurring labor, labor induction or elective abortion. 
2. Evaluation of fetal growth. 
3. Vaginal bleeding for no apparent reason. 
4. Determine the position of the fetus. 
5. Suspected of multiple pregnancies. 
6. In addition to amniocentesis. 
7. Significant uterine size / clinical age discrepancy. 
8. Pelvic mass. 
9. Molar pregnancy is suspected. 
10.Dicurigai ectopic pregnancy. 
11.Tambahan special procedures, eg, cerclage 
12.Dicurigai fetal death. 
13.Dicurigai uterine abnormalities. 
14.Lokalisasi an intrauterine device. 
Of the fetal biophysical 15.Evaluasi good. 
16.Observasi time of delivery. 
17.Dicurigai polihidramnion or oligohidramnion. 
18.Dicurigai abruptio placenta. 
19.Tambahan out version of the breech position to head position. 
20.Perkiraan fetal weight or premature rupture of membranes show and or premature labor. 
21.Nilai serum alpha-fetoprotein is not normal. 
Observation 22.Menindaklanjuti fetal abnormalities were identified. 
Evaluation 23.Menindaklanjuti placenta location for identified placenta previa. 
24.Riwayat previous congenital abnormalities. 
25.Evaluasi serial fetal growth with multiple pregnancies. 
26.Evaluasi conditions in the care of the fetus before delivery is late. 
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (1993) 

How does ultrasound work? 
Ultrasound is the imaging method using high frequency sound waves that exceed the limits of human hearing to produce a picture of structures inside the body. Sound waves emitted by the probe will be reflected back if the specific body structures such as bone or tissue, and its reflections would be arrested by the recipient (receiver) contained in the probe as well. Waves are processed into images that can be viewed on a monitor. 

What will you have during the inspection? 
If you are required to undergo an ultrasound examination then you need to prepare yourself, you may be asked to drink a lot so that the bladder filled. This will make it easier to see your uterus. But some are not asked to drink a lot like the pregnancy months to 2 or 3 when using transvaginal ultrasound. Transvaginal ultrasound is similar to an ultrasound device used (transabdominal ultrasound) which differentiate only on transvaginal ultrasound has a small probe size that can be inserted into a hole vulva (vagina) and high frequency (5-7 MHz). One advantage is able to detect early pregnancy. 
You will spread like jelly to eliminate the distance between the transducer with a body that produces a better picture. Then your stomach began to 'explore' by the probe. You can feel a little discomfort due to stomach slightly compressed by the probe. Several position changes may be needed. So you can ask your doctor for leaning to the left or right side. This examination takes about 20 minutes and is performed by a competent person who is a specialist radiologist or a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology specialists. 
All the necessary data can be stored and printed as needed. 

Ultrasound dangerous for you and your baby? 
As far as is known by experts, until now has not proven that ultrasound can cause disability or other things that fear. Ultrasound instruments do not emit ionizing radiation as in the other radiological equipment that is safe for you and your baby. 
Ultrasound as a means of medical support has limitations to detect abnormalities that may exist in your baby in the womb. In this case your doctor will probably ask you to do some other tests are needed. Therefore always consult with your treating doctor and watch your pregnancy well.


Genitalia externa: Mons pubis, Labia mayor, Labia minor, Vestibulum

In his teens, human growth and development of very fast, both in size, shape, physiology, and psychological and social functions. Growth and development is influenced by hormones. 

These teens can be grouped in 3 sections: 
· Early teens, usually occurs at age 10-13 years. 
· Mid teens, usually occurs at age 14-16 years 
· Adolescent end, usually experienced at the age of 17-20 years or more. 

Say usually, because this development could happen more quickly or more slowly. 

Reproduction Equipment 
In general, male reproductive system consists of: 
· 2 testes / testicles in the scrotum 
· 2 epididymis 
· Spermatic cord 2 
· 2 vesica seminal 
· Ejaculatorius ductus 2 
· 2 prostate 
· 1 penis / penis 

In general, female reproductive system consists of: 
Ø genitalia externa: 
· Mons pubis 
· Labia major 
· Labia minor 
· Vestibulum 

Ø internal genitalia: 
· Vagina 
· Rahim 
· 2 tuba uterine 
· Ovary 

Ø mammary / breast 

At the age of 6 years, the adrenal glands begin to produce androgens that are driving the armpit odor and hair growth in the genital area. But that does not mean at the age of 6 years had no smell armpits and genital hair, which is a hormone produced by the start of that drive it. Hair in genital area began to emerge at age 11-13 years. Followed by a hair in the armpits, mustache, and beard in men. Lutein hormone (LH) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) also increased dramatically until the mid teens. But these hormones do not affect anything. 

At this early adolescence, their meteoric growth of the body begins to increase the sensitivity of the pituitary gland to GnRH (Gonadotropin-releasing hormone). Release of GnRH, LH, and FSH increased gonadal androgen and estrogen. 

In women, the first sign of puberty is a prominent nipple enlargement, which occurs between the ages of 8-13 years. The first menses (menarche) usually occurs after 2-2 ½ years (normal range 9-16 years). Before menses, occurs egg maturation (ova). If not fertilized by sperm, the egg will be released along with some of the uterine wall entirely, this is what we know with menses. Nipple enlargement, egg maturation, and this period is driven by hormones LH, FSH, estrogen, and progesterone. The timing of the first menses varies between individuals. This is influenced by genetic factors, fat, level of nutrition, chronic disease, and sports. 

The first menses sometimes cause confusion and anxiety for young women. Sometimes they also feel ashamed for having changed from the children into a girl. Assistance and an explanation of parents or teachers needed here. 

Significant changes also occurred in the female reproductive organs which occur enlarged ovaries, uterus, labia, and clitoris; thickening of the endometrial lining of the uterus and the vaginal mucosa, and increased vaginal glycogen. Glycogen is the vagina is one of the factors that facilitate the occurrence of infection in the vagina because it is a good medium for bacteria growth. 

Table 1. Classification of Sexual Maturity in Young Women 

Pubic hair 
8-9 years (SMR 1) 
10-12 years (SMR 2) 

Rarely, smooth, thin, lightly pigmented, straight, in the middle of the labia 
Breast and papilla rises slightly, the diameter of the nipple (areola) increases 
13-14 years 

(SMR 3) 
More black, started clubs, plus many 
Breast and areola increases, there is no contour 
15-16 years 
(SMR 4) 

Coarse, curly, many, but still lack many of the adults 
Areola and papilla form like bumps 
? 17 years (SMR 5) 
Like adults, triangular genital area, spread to the middle of the thigh 
Mature, design nipple, areola into the contour 
SMR = Sexual maturity rating 

From Tanner JM: Growth at Adolescence, 2nd ed. Oxford, England. 

In men, enlargement of testicles began to happen at the age of 9 ½ years. Left testicles are usually lower than the right. This is normal. If that happens on the other hand, it is a disorder that is likely misplaced or called inversus site. Penis enlargement and elongation occurs from the age of 10 years. Normal adult penis size at 10-20 cm in erection. Generally the average Asian penis size 10-16 cm. This penis size variations due to genetic factors, nutrition levels, and fat. Generally fat penis shorter. This happens because some dick rod covered by a layer of fat surrounding areas. It should be noted in young men who did not disirkumsisi / circumcision, whether there phymosis, preputium / narrow foreskin, and clean. Phymosis is difficult to pull back so that preputium can not look head / glans penis. This can happen because the accumulation of dirt or due to smegma a narrow preputium. Circumcision performed in addition to the religious social indications, the medical world, is also indicated for phymosis, paraphymosis, preputium narrow, and increase hygiene. If there is no problem and can take care of cleanliness, then circumcision is not necessary. Circumcision and penis size does not affect the quality of sexual relations. 

Breast enlargement can also occur in 40-65% of the teenage boy from the effects of excess estrogen stimulation. This enlargement is normal, but may cause embarrassment to the teens. Breast enlargement is less than 4 cm, 90% will shrink itself in 3 years. Enlargement of more than 4 cm in men, may require hormonal treatment and surgery. 

The development of man reached its peak 2-3 years later than women, but still continued until approximately 2-3 years after the young women stop growing. Rapid enlargement of the larynx (throat), pharynx (throat), and pulmonary causes changes in the adolescent male voice. Adrenal androgen production stimulates the sweat glands that cause excessive acne. 

Interest in matters relating to sex also increases in adolescence. Ejaculation for the first time (spermache) occurs at this stage, either through masturbation or spontaneously through a wet dream. This is sometimes also caused disquiet in some teenage boys who ill-informed, sometimes they suspected discharge is due to infection. Ejaculation is the exit of sperm from the penis accompanied by a certain pleasure stimuli. Discharge is semen, not pus or infection. 

Table 2. Classification of Sexual Maturity in Young Men 
Pubic hair 
8-9 years 
(SMR 1) 

10-12 years (SMR 2) 
A little, long, light pigmentation 
Mild enlargement 
Enlargement of the scrotum; pink, the texture changes 
13-14 years (SMR 3) 
More black, began to curl, a little 
15-16 years (SMR 4) 
Resembles the adult, much less, coarse, curly 
Glans enlarged and increased in size 
Enlarged, black scrotum 
? 17 years 
(SMR 5) 
As an adult distribution, spreading to the middle of the thigh 
Adult Size 
Adult Size 
SMR = Sexual maturity rating 
From Tanner JM: Growth at Adolescence, 2nd ed. Oxford, England. 

The existence of same-sex attraction in adolescence is normal and does not indicate a homosexual orientation. This happens because the search occurred adolescence identity. 

Organ maturation and sexual development of adolescents has reached 95% at age 17-18 years. 

Table 3. Central issues on Adolescent Reproductive Early, Middle, and End 
Early adolescents 
Middle adolescents 
Late teens 
10-13 years 
14-16 years 
17-20 years or more 

Development of secondary sex emerged; started the rapid growth; felt himself strangely 

Peak growth; changes in body shape and composition; acne and body odor; first menses; spermache 
Growth slowed 
Sexual attraction is usually beyond sexual activity 
Sexual tempestuous; sexual experimentation; ask about sexual orientation 
Consolidation of sexual orientation 

From Richard EB: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 17th ed. Saunders, USA. 

Hopefully with this article are not confused teens live longer in the changes in him. 

Cunningham FG et al: Williams Obstetrics, 22nd ed. McGraw Hill, 2005 
Richard EB et al: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 17th ed. Saunders, 2004 
Sheerwood, L.: Human Physiology from Cell to Systems, 5th ed. Thomson, 2004 
Smith, Tony: First Aid Doctor in Your House. Torch, 2001


Menopause, dismenorrhea, primary and secondary pain, pathological, other symptoms during menstruation: nausea, vomiting, headache, anxiety, restlessne

In live her life, she will go through several phases of the natural changes in the body and the accompanying problems, ie when the first menstrual period, first sexual intercourse, conceive and give birth, to menopause (cessation of menstruation). 
One of the most common complaint by most women is pain during menstruation (dismenorrhea). Actual pain during menstruation is a normal experienced by every woman, but what distinguishes it is if it is disturbing activities and daily life. 

Pain during menstruation can be categorized into two, namely primary and secondary pain. Primary menstrual pain that is painful menstruation that is not associated with pathological abnormalities originating from organs in the pelvis and dalamnya.Nyeri can occur 2-3 years after the first period and reached its peak when she reaches the age of 15-25 years. Then the pain will decrease in intensity along with age and disappeared when women give birth naturally. This pain can be intermittent or permanent. Pain usually felt 24 hours before menstruation and ends 24-36 hours after menstruation stops. Pain is felt in the lower abdomen which can then be spread to the back or inner thigh. Other symptoms that can accompany such as nausea, vomiting, headache, anxiety, restlessness, diarrhea, fainting, and abdominal bloating. 

Reading the above items would raise questions in your mind, "why pain can happen?". There are various theories that try to explain it. The closest theory is that states that just before menstruation a woman's body produces substances called prostaglandins. This substance has a function that one of them is to make the uterus contract and the surrounding blood vessels sandwiched (constriction) which led to ischemic tissue. The intensity of these contractions varies per individual, and if excessive will cause pain during menstruation. In addition prostaglandins also stimulate the pain nerves in the uterus that added intensity of pain. Prostaglandins are also working on the entire body, this explains why there are symptoms that accompany menstrual pain. 

When menstrual pain comes when you are older than 20 years then this is entered in the second category is secondary menstrual pain, the pain associated with menstrual disorders originating from pelvic pain and organ didalamnya.Biasanya this happened 2 days or so before menstruation starts and will the pain intensified during menstruation, then disappeared 2 days or more after menstruation stops. 

The abnormalities that can cause secondary menstrual pain, among others: 
- Endometriosis 
- Allen syndrome 
- Mosters 
- Pelvic congestion syndrome 
- Ovarii cysts and tumors 
- Pelvic infection disease 
- Adenomyosis 
- Myoma uteri 
- Polypus uteri 
- Asherman syndrome 
- Congenital abnormalities 
- Contraceptive intra uterin 
- Stenosis and obstruction of the vagina 
- Etc.


Menstruation, alcohol consumption, coffee, and chocolate, estrogen, prostaglandins, mefenamat acid, ibuprofen, diclofenac sodium or in the composition

Then how can I fix? There are many things that can be done starting from the simple things, the use of drugs, to hormonal therapy. Here are some tips to prevent pain during menstruation: 

  1. Avoid vigorous exercise during menstruation. 
  2. Avoid consumption of alcohol, coffee, chocolate and also because it can increase estrogen levels which will trigger the release of prostaglandins can. Avoid too cold temperature foods such as ice cream. 
  3. Consumption of vitamin E, vitamin B6, or fish oil. 
  4. Consumption of vegetables and fruits and low-fat foods. 

Some things we can do to cope with abdominal pain during menstruation: 

• Apply with a hot water bottle (warm) right on the part that felt cramped (can be in the belly or waist rear) 

• warm water bath, may also use aromatherapy to calm down 
• Drink warm beverages containing high calcium 
• brushing, rubbing the belly / waist pain 
• Take a position so that the uterus depends menungging down. This can help relaxation 
• Take a deep breath slowly for relaxation. 

Drugs that are used to the supervision of a doctor. Can drinking analgesic (pain reliever) that many are sold at drug stores that contain mainly include mefenamat acid, ibuprofen, diclofenac sodium or naproxenen in drug composition, provided the dose is not more than 3 times a day. If the use of analgesic medication did not work then hormonal therapy can be performed in accordance ajuran dokter.Bila pain complaints can be eliminated with a simple way then it is much better than the use of drugs because drugs cause dependence on the effect of pain relief and effect side not diinginkan.Prinsip therapy on primary menstrual pain equal to the secondary, but better if you consult directly with the obstetrician for further treatment. 

One thing the main thing is a healthy lifestyle for the convenience of your life. Good luck!


Known as a whitish or flour albus leukorrhe

Whitish, of course this term familiar among women. Almost all women in Indonesia have had a good discharge response caused by normal body functions or result - other than by the response of the body. In the world of medicine, known as white flour leukorrhe or albus. Discharge may indicate there is an abnormality in the reproductive tract and infections for example, reproductive organ abnormalities or cervical cancer. Therefore, important for a woman to find out whether she experienced vaginal discharge is normal or not. 

Discharge can be divided into two types, ie the physiological white is a normal body response and pathological response that is not a normal body. In normal circumstances, the vagina produces a clear-colored liquid, odorless, colorless, not excessive in number and are not accompanied by itching. This fluid serves as a natural protection, reducing the friction of the vaginal wall when walking and during sexual intercourse 

In addition to these fluids, in the vagina also lived protective bacteria called flora doderleins that under normal circumstances, stabilizing function of the vagina. In certain conditions a balance can be disturbed, for example, when stress so low immunity, before and after menstruation, fatigue, diabetes, when stimulated, pregnancy, or taking hormonal drugs such as birth control pills. This disturbance resulted in vaginal fluid that came out a bit excessive. This is called white (or flour leukorre albus). But white is caused by things - things that have been mentioned above is still in its early stages is usually normal because there is no change in color, odor, or itching. Women who experience vaginal discharge does not need to do treatment. Treatment with enough cooking water or soap betel leaf - vaginal soap sold in the market. However, the use of soap should not be excessive because it can kill flora doderleins useful to maintain the level of acidity in the vagina. 

Whitish to watch out for is discharge that is not a normal body response, in other words, pathological. This milky liquid until a greenish yellow, the numbers get even more out of underwear, thick, sticky, or smells bad, feels very itchy or hot, and causing injury in the mouth of the vagina. This type of vaginal discharge should be alerted to remember can be one indication of the symptoms of cervical cancer. Therefore, pathological vaginal discharge causes must be sought and adequately treated early. 

Lots of things - things that can cause pathological vaginal discharge, but most often caused by reproductive tract infections. The infection can come from: 

a. fungus Candida or Monilia 
Whitish due to this fungus will be milky white, thick, smelly and a bit loud, with a dominant itching in the vagina. As a result, the mouth of the vagina becomes red and inflamed. This discharge is usually triggered by pregnancy, diabetes, use birth control pills, and low body resistance. Newborns can also be infected by the fungus Candida vaginal discharge is due to accidentally ingested fluid that is the patient mother at birth. 

b. Parasite Trichomonas vaginalis 
Transmitted mainly through sexual contact, so including one in sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), but in addition it can also pass toiletries, toilet or lips that have been contaminated. Very thick whitish liquid, frothy, yellow or green with a metallic smell. Whitish because these parasites do not cause itching, but painful when pressed vagina. 

c. Bacteria Gardnella 
Most women who experience vaginal bacterial infection without symptoms - symptoms that are caused by bacteria. Vaginal discharge is usually thin, white, grayish, watery, frothy, and smelling fishy (Fishy Odor). Will be more penetrating odor after sexual intercourse and menstrual blood causes smells bad. If found irritating the vaginal area such as itching are usually lighter than the discharge caused by Candida albicans or Trichomonas vaginalis. 

d. Virus 
Whitish due to viral infections are often caused venereal diseases such as Condyloma, herpes, HIV / AIDS. Condyloma marked the growth of warts are very much with smelling liquid. This disease often affects pregnant women. While the herpes virus is transmitted through sexual intercourse. Symptoms such as blister wounds, there is around the vagina, a discharge itching, and felt hot. Need to watch out for discharge from a virus because the virus can infect one triggering factor for cervical cancer. 

Discharge can also be caused by allergies due to the objects included intentionally or not into the vagina like a tampon, or a contraceptive drug, pubic hair and threads from the blanket, pants, and others. In addition, the discharge can also be caused due to injuries such as puncture, impact, pressure or irritation that lasted long. 

Keep in mind, discharge does not cause cancer. Whiteness is just one of the symptoms caused by cancer, such as cervical cancer. Vaginal discharge caused by cervical cancer provides the symptoms of watery discharge, pink, brown, or black-containing blood and fetid. 

Vaginal discharge due to infection that left untreated in the long run can cause sterility. This is because the infection spread into the cavity of the uterus, the fallopian tubes and then up to the ovaries and can spread into the pelvic cavity. 

No need to panic if you have a vaginal discharge. Generally, women are experiencing vaginal discharge, especially in Indonesia, the high air humidity levels. Prevention, can be: 

1. Always keep personal hygiene, especially hygiene genitals. Vagina or pubic hair is too thick can be a place to hide germs. So, do not forget to cut or clean it up so that white drug delivery form more easily absorb the ointment. 

2. Get used to wash the vagina with the right way, namely with the movement from front to back. Rinse with clean water every toilet and shower. Do not forget to keep the vagina dry. 

3. Avoid vaginal moist atmosphere for prolonged use in wet pants, rarely changed and do not absorb sweat. Try to use underwear made of cotton which absorbs sweat. Use of too tight jeans also increase the humidity of the vagina area. Change tampons or panty liners in time. 

4. If white light is still in its early stages, try using soap or a special antiseptic rinse the vagina, but do not use too much because it will only turn off the normal vaginal flora and vaginal acidity is also affected. If necessary, consult your doctor. 

5. Avoid too frequent use talcum powder around the vagina, scented tissues, or toilet paper. This will make the vagina is often irritated. 

6. Consider a healthy environment. Discharge can also appear through unclean water. So, clean the tub, bucket, dipper, torn water, and toilet with antiseptic mouth to avoid the proliferation of germs. 

7. Faithful to the spouse is the first step to avoid the discharge caused by infection transmitted through sexual activity.


The steps that must be done at the time a woman has vaginal discharge

Some steps that can be done if it is suffering from whitish sebgai following: 

1. Consult the obstetrician, the doctor will give medicine according to the complaint and the cause. Generally whitish infections caused by drugs given to deal with complaints and stop the infection process in accordance with the cause. The drugs used in the address discharge is usually derived from fluconazole group to deal with candida infection and metronidazole groups to deal with bacterial and parasitic infections. Drug dosage can be an oral dosage form of tablets or capsules, topically as a cream applied and the uvula directly inserted into the vagina. To discharge that is transmitted through sexual contact, therapy is also given to sexual partners and encouraged to not have intercourse as long as the treatment. 

2. For those who are married, do the examination with the couple. 

3. If you still have not healed well, test it and replace drug resistance with other drugs. There is the possibility that the bacteria were resistant to the drugs given. 

4. For those who are married, do pap smears. Especially if it has been aged> 35 years and complaints of vaginal discharge accompanied by a rat in the mouth of the womb because of concern is the virus that can trigger cancer. Ideally, a pap smear done once a year. 

5. If positive for the virus, could be followed by cervical examination using a magnifying device placed outside the vaginal lips. To support, also do urine tests and blood tests. 

6. The most important thing is to keep your vaginal area clean and try to get a healthy lifestyle for good endurance to support the perfect treatment. 

Knowledge of appropriate discharge will assist in distinguishing between normal vaginal discharge with a pathological vaginal discharge. So that prevention and control can be done early and keep you from infertility and cervical cancer is more advanced. Thus, always keep your self health including your personal area. (Gracia Dewi I.)