Reaction imunologis, mucus serviks, infertilitas, sperm, sexual, ejakulasi, mikroskopik, endometrium, histerosalphyngography

Examination on the woman
1. The vagina. checks may include inspekulo check, check in, check-mikroskopik fluid vagina. This is to determine the difference anatomy or function and assess whether there are microorganisms that cause disruption or infection.
2. Serviks factors (neck womb). it includes checks inspekulo check, check in, post-coitus test, test serviks mucus, and culture if necessary. Of all inspection, testing serviks mucus play an important role because infertilitas may be caused by sperm penetrate the mucus serviks failed and this is usually due to reaction imunologis.
To test serviks mucus test can be done post-coitus examination are:

* Previous pair sexual conduct on the first day of a two-day period praovulasi or when ovulasi.

* After ejakulasi, the patient supine for 20 minutes and went to the doctor within 8-12 hours later, taken to sediaan mucus serviksnya.

* And do mikroskopik examination to determine the degree of penetration of the mucus serviks calculate the number of sperm that move.

Said the positive test results when> 20 which means that active sperm factor imunologis can be. A negative test result does not provide any intrepetasi.
3. The uterus. Examination conducted in, Biopsy endometrium, biakannya if necessary, histerosalphyngography, and laparoskopi.
4. The tuba fallopi. Examination can be done in a way, among others:

* Pertubasi or rubin test aims to check patensi tuba. Tuba sumbatan when the gas pressure rise or stand up to 200 mmHg, the increase of only 80-100 mmHg means that one or both tubanya still patent (ovum / egg can exit the womb). Examination performed during menstruation and clean before ovulasi, or on the day-to-10 menstrual cycles.

* Histerosalphyngography. The goal is the same as the pertubasi just less safe due to possible exposure to radiation in the examination repeated, but this check will be more accurate.

* Laparoskopi. The goal is to see if there is endometriosis at the same time to see tuba. But this is an action operatif so dilkukan better when there is medical indication.

5. Ovarium factors. Inspection covers how menstrual history, serviks mucus changes, body temperature basalt, sitologi vaginal hormonal, Biopsy endometrium, and hormonal examinations. Laparaskopi can also be ovulasi Diagnostic. The most important in determining this check is not there ovulasi, because ovulasi indicate the existence of eggs produced by the ovary (ovarium) that can be fertilized by male sperm. Ovulasi examination can be done with the hormonal form of examination:

* Measure serum progesterone level in the mid-luteal phase to-day or 3 of menstrual cycle. Told positive results (there ovulasi) when the progesterone level 3 - 10 ng / ml.

* Measure luterinizing kadar hormone (LH) in blood plasma every day in the luteal phase to know the time ovulasi. This is useful to determine when it's appropriate to do so coitus conception success rate.

In the case of amenorrhea (no menstruation), oligomenorrhea (menstrual cycles> 35 days or longer period <3>

How do I overcome infertilitas?
Expected to start before the therapy, couples in consultation with the doctor about the right to appropriate medical denan circumstances. The therapy that can be applied, among others:

In the men's, among others:
1. Medical therapy in form of drug or hormone, for example to improve the number of sperm.
2. Surgical therapy when dealing with anatomical aberration or surgical problems related to the case infertilitas men such as varicocele.
3. In the case azoospermis or oligospermis the weight, where the pregnancy occurs very rarely the best action is to AID (artificial insemination donor). This method is how to put the sperm in the female reproductive channel does not do with the way in which sexual relations derived from the sperm donor (other people). AID is conducted every month for a year could allow 65% of pregnancies.
4. When there are only a spermatozoa the method can be performed ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), where a method in spermatozoa injected sitoplasma ovum.
5. When the value of normal sperm analysis and test results of the post-coitus insemination can be done and done sediaan sperm insemination intra uterin namely placing spermatozoa that have been separated from the seminal fluid to the space dalanm womb using a small kateter.

In the women, among others:
1. Medical therapy in form of drug or hormone, for example to improve the induction ovulasi.
2. Surgical therapy when dealing with anatomical aberration or a problem related to surgical cases infertilitas on women such as the mouth of the womb etc. tumor.
3. Condom therapy, where condoms are used constantly during each have sex more or less 6-8 months. In this period, expected antibody level has decreased and no longer in the area of reproductive women, so that the sperm during this diaglutinasikan or dimobilisasikan by antibody to be free and able to move to migrate to the tuba falopii channel (channel of eggs) and meet with the egg cell without a hitch.
4. In the case anovulasi (no eggs) are given drugs with the induction ovulasi desertai sexual scheduled.
5. In the case of bad serviks mucus which can not be corrected with drugs, can be done include:

* IVF (in vitro fertilization), namely maternal egg cell fertilization with sperm outside the body (tube baby).

* GIFT (gamet intra-fallopian transfer), namely the mother put the egg cell and sperm into the distal end of the tuba fallopi / egg channel.

* ZIFT (zygote intra-fallopian transfer), namely when conception has occurred outside the body to the way the results of IVF fertilization (zygote) to put the eggs in the channel / tuba fallopi through kanulasi abdominal trans.

Infertilitas that success depends on the cooperation of the husband-wife and doctor in examination infertilitas to know the cause, so that treatment can be done and the good that therapy can be expected to increase the chance of a pregnancy.


The cause infertilitas can be classified on the basis of anatomy and / or organ function

The cause of the male:

1. Deviation anatomy: Hypo-epispadia (pee hole location deviation), micropenis (very small penis), undescencus testis (testis still in the belly / thigh fold), etc..
2. Interference function: Erectile Dysfunction weight (impotensi), ejakulasi retrograde (reverse ejakulasi), etc..
3. Interference spermatogenesis: oligo / terato / asthenozoospermia (deviation amount, form, sperm movement).
4. Other: scrotalis Hernia (Hernia heavy bag up to the testis), varikokel (varises blood vessel behind the testis), imunologis, infection, etc..

The cause of the woman:
1. The vagina: vaginismus (vagina muscle strain), vaginitis (inflammation / infection of vagina), etc..
2. The cervix (mouth of the womb): polyp (benign tumor), stenosis (kekakukan mouth of the womb), non-hostile mucus (mucus quality mouth womb ugly), anti-sperm antibody (antibody against the sperm), etc..
3. The uterus (womb): myoma (uterus muscle tumor), endometritis (inflammation cells. Mucous uterus), endometriosis (the cells grow. Mucous womb, not in place), uterus bicornis, arcuatus, asherman's syndrome, retrofleksi (deformity and position of the womb) , prolap (pemburutan, penyembulan down to the womb).
4. The tuba fallopi (egg line): pembuntuan, constriction, channel pelengketan eggs (because the infection can be congenital or deviation).
5. The ovarium (ovary) tumor, cyst, menstruasi interference (amenorhoe, oligomenorhoe with / without ovulasi). This organ with a central hormone in the brain (hypothalamus and hipofisis) in a set cycle menstruasi.
6. Other factors: prolactinoma (tumor on hipofisis), hiper / hypotroid (excess / lack of hormone tiroid), etc..

When someone said not fertile (infertile)?
Infertility to make sure someone must go through a series of examinations or tests for both men and women. We recommend you consult with your doctor about midwifery tests what you have to do.

Checks can be made that men are:
Vetting sperm analysis. sperm factor is the single factor that causes most of the infertile husband, which ranges between 40-50%. Therefore, each pair with the infertile husband should be examined maninya fluid containing sperm. Before this examination, the husband is not expected to make a sexual relationship for at least 3 days.
According to WHO, the value of nomal sperm for analysis is:

~ Likuifaksi 30 minutes
~ Volume> 2.0 ml
~ Sperm concentration> 20 million / ml
~ Number of sperm ± 40 million
~ Motilitas / sperm movement> 50%
~ Morphology / sperm forms> 30% of normal
~ WBC (white blood cell) <1 million / ml
~ pH (acidity seminal fluid) 7.2 - 7.8

When the results of analysis of sperm from the husband brbeda above, the result of abnormal sperm can be said. For that a survey can proceed with further including:
1. Be exposed if there is history with a high temperature, chemicals or certain drugs.
2. Male genitalia examination, no difference whether the anatomy or function.
3. Testis size assessed, examination skrotum for meihat the varicocel.
4. In the case of azoospermia (no sperm), needs to be dry FSH (follicle stimulation hormone) that if the measure increased> 3-fold, indicating the failure of the testis (the penis).
Men said infertilitas absolute azoospermia when found along with the increase in FSH level.

Infertilitas the primary and secondary infertilitas. Read more below

Having longed for children is that each pair has been settle, because the child is the fruit of love from his parents. Children can maintain the relationship of love between mother and father, and complete harmony of households. What if the fruit is not yet present heart for many years after marriage? Is this close relationship with the spouse Infertility? What is the fecundity (fertility) that actually? Is there a way to address them?

Infertility is Infertilitas or couples who do have sexual relations without the prevention of pregnancy for 12 months or more and can not be pregnant. Infertilitas divided into two infertilitas namely primary and secondary infertilitas. Infertilitas primary is a situation when a couple has been married long time but do not have a child. While the secondary is infertilitas situation in which the pair have a child but the child was no longer in a long time This must be distinguished with sterility, because of sterility (sterilitas) is the absolute inability to have offspring, for example in the men who had vasektomi or kastrasi (castrated ) and / or women who have experienced adoption or humane tubektomi.

What are the things that can cause infertilitas?

An important factor that can affect fertility, including:
1. Age: For men, the peak fertility is age 24-25 years and 21-24 years for women, before the age of fertility has not been properly cooked, and thereafter gradually decreased.
2. Frequency of sexual relations:
3. Environment: both the physical, chemical and biological (heat, radiation, cigarette, drug, alcohol, infections, etc.).
4. Nutrition and nutrition: especially lack of protein and certain vitamins.
5. Psychological stress: the menstrual cycle, reduce the quality of spermatozoa & Libido, etc..

Tube baby or fertilisasi (fertilization) in vitro

Most likely ... to obtain the offspring of each pair is longed for but if the couple has done all the way and still have not work out, then there are other methods as "a last resort to obtain the child." Method is through a tube Baby.

Tube baby or fertilisasi (fertilization) in vitro fertilization is a technique in which egg cells (ovum) fertilized outside the woman's body. The process of fertilization is done in a special kind of tube or petri bowls containing culture medium. Tube in the kondisikan such that resemble the original conception of the female womb. Principles tube baby that actually serumit not be. The team doctor is to help unite the cells of the mother's egg and sperm cells from the father before conception occurs.

The process is firstly to do with the egg cells from women who recently experienced ovulasi (release of egg cell ovary) by using a special tool and egg cells are taken before a fertilized with sperm in the tube had already been created exactly the atmosphere like in the womb . Results fertilization kept some time in the tube until at a certain time will be "planted" in the womb to return to the woman. Expected next fetus will grow as the withdrawal of women in the womb and the woman will experience during pregnancy and development of the pregnancy as normal. There are two methods in the process tube baby, the sperm injection and conventional intra sitoplasma (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection / ICSI). Two methods was conducted with a variety of different considerations.

Only if the conventional method based on medical considerations, sperm cells can still swim and fertilize egg cells themselves. At first this technique is done ovary stimulation (superovulasi). Excitation lasts 5-6 days until egg cells are considered mature enough to "be". Furthermore, the egg cell taken with the guidance tool ultrasonografi through the vagina. When egg cells are stored in the incubator, sperm removed, cleaned, and taken about 50,000 - 100,000 men. Sperm are distributed around the egg cell in a special container. Where the possibility of tube baby comes, because fertilization takes place in a tube.

Cells that have been fertilized eggs, marked with the two cell nucleus, soon split into embryo. A maximum of four embryo developing in the womb to the plant. The process then not far different from the normal pregnancy. Level of success of this method is about 15%, and if consideration is not technical and physiological method allows conventional ICSI is the method of choice terakhir.Berbeda the conventional way, in the ICSI only one sperm with the best quality. Sperm "blade" that, through a special pipette, akan injected into an egg cell that is also best. This method is generally carried out on sperm problems, for example, if the number of sperm motil after preparasi than normal (500,000 units). Egg cell fertilized by one sperm cell is injected by a special needle. Sperm cells do not need to make every effort to swim the eggs penetrate the cell wall. After fertilization occurs and the embryo formed, made "planting" in the womb. With this technique, the success of tube baby increased to 30 - 40%, especially in the fertile age couples.

Cost issues, the use of ICSI method tended to slightly more expensive than tube baby method konvensional.Program are relatively expensive. In addition to the equipment requires high, the price of medicines stimulasinya can also be reached Rp 18-20 million. Because it has not been produced in the country, drugs are all must be shipped from overseas. Cost tube baby program is in the range of Rp 30-50 million. Several hospitals in Indonesia that have been successful with this program among Children & maternity Hospital Harapan Kita, Jakarta RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta.

Couples couple who are interested to follow this tube baby program must meet several requirements. Among other things, they are a legitimate couple husband and wife, married 12 months or more, the wife must be aged under 42 years old, and the fertility examination. They also have to get counseling about the specific program fertilisasi in vitro, procedures, costs, likelihood of success or failure and komplikasinya, ready to charge and ready to get pregnant, birth, and keep the baby.

If you see a fertility factor, ideally for women aged between 30-35 years. This means, on the age-age is the percentage of successful tube baby higher if compared to the age of women who are older (36-40 years). Almost a quarter century is the age of technology, medical tube baby so much progress already achieved and the more days the more promising. This technology is proven to help couples who experience marital difficulties to obtain offspring. Only problem the cost is still a major obstacle in the implementation of this technology.

The mouth of womb cancer or known by the name of cancer serviks could become the biggest cause of death in women

Keep in mind, the mouth of womb cancer or known by the name of cancer serviks is the biggest cause of death in women in developing countries, and each year about a quarter million women die due to this disease. According to the Ministry of Health estimates, in indonesia at this time there are around 100 cases per 100 thousand population or 200 thousand cases each year. In addition, more than 70 percent of cases that come to the hospital found in the stadium go.

What is the mouth of womb cancer?
The mouth of womb cancer is the growth of cells mouth womb / serviks of abnormal cells in which this change displasia or lead towards violence. Cancer is the only women who had or are now in a sexually active status. Never found a woman who had never had sexual relations do have this cancer. This cancer usually attacks the woman who has aged, most especially in women aged 35-55 years. However, it is not impossible that mudapun women can suffer this disease, have provided that the risk factors.

What are the risk factors that can affect a woman is exposed to this cancer?
The exact cause of the change normal cells into the mouth of the womb as a malignant cell is not known exactly. However, there are several factors that can affect these changes, among others:
1) first sexual relationship at the early age (age <16>
2) often take turns pairing (multipatner sex).
3) infection of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) types 16 and 18. Research shows that 10-30% of women at the age of 30'an years had suffered from sexually active HPV infections (including infections in the vulva). This percentage is increasing when the woman has many sexual pairings. In most cases, HPV infections progress and no symptoms are settling.
The two factors above are also associated with HPV infection. The dbanyak flit pair then tertularnya HPV infection is also high. Similarly terpaparnya cells of the mouth of the womb have a certain pH with sperm-sperm that have a pH that is different on multipatner can stimulate the change towards displasia.
4) infection Simpleks Herpes Virus (HSV) type 2
5) women who bear children more than 3 times
6) women smoking, as it can lower the body resistance.

How symptoms?
In the pre-cancer or pencakalan before developing into cancer is not found symptoms that means. However, the changes are not visible can be detected early with a pap smear examination looks so akan cells begin to change towards the abnormal.

In the development of the next, if the cells have developed into cancer cells and has begun to infiltrate kedaerah around, the nascent akan symptoms such as:
- Keputihan that is not itchy, brown, red and smelly
- Abnormal bleeding which is bleeding between the two cycles menstruasi, post-menopause bleeding, spontaneous bleeding per vaginam, bleeding per vaginam time defecate, and pain when bersenggama.
- In further stages can be found a decrease in appetite, decrease in body weight, anemia, pelvic pain etc..

How to prevent mouth cancer womb?
How to prevent the most good way is to do pap smear examination in early and frequent, especially for women that age have a high risk of cancer is affected. This is able to detect any deviation so that the case of cell death due to cancer serviks can be derived up to 90%. This test can even be at the Puskesmas. Doctor who will take sapuannya, and then send it to the laboratory.

Technical wipe the can be described as follows: using a spatula or similar fine brush, mucous neck womb taken by the doctor or midwife to be lubricated and difiksasi (dilekatkan) on glass objects. Then, using a microscope, an expert sitologi akan test cells that womb neck. In pre cancer journey and the process requires a long time to become cancer. With this early detection and treatment can be done that early also, so that the level of it can be even higher to 100%. This can be done with the treatment that is effective and adekuat so that they can kill and stop the growth of a start point to the abnormal. Surely it can be optimal if it is still in pre-stage cancer.

Suggestion to conduct this review, namely:
- Every year for women over 35 years berusua
- Every 2-3 years in women over 35 years after 3 times of negative
- Each year for those who have any risk of suffering from this disease
- As often as possible for those who have cancer or pre mederita already ketahap further the cancer.

Adapaun now do a combination of HPV vaccination and screening (examination cancer) that can provide a great benefit in the prevention of this disease. HPV vaccine can be useful and to reduce the incidence of cancer serviks and pre-cancerous conditions, especially in mild cases.

HPV vaccine that consists of 2 types of this in the body can protect against cancer caused by HPV (types 16 and 18). One of the vaccine can help prevent the occurrence of genital wart in the region caused by HPV 6 and 11, and HPV 16 and 18. Benefit has been tested in phase III clinical testing and be realized in the near future. Confidence test results of clinical stage III showed that this vaccine-a vaccine can help prevent infection from HPV types over lesi and prevent pre-cancer in women who have not been previously infected with HPV.

Cancer prevention efforts serviks the other in a way that can be done in order to reduce risk factors such as preventing sexual relationship early on, the number of couples sex, and smoking habits etc.. Prevention aims to eliminate risk sexual behavior that increase the exposure of the human papiloma virus.


The mouth of womb cancer (serviks) and changes the cells in the mouth of the womb or Cervical Dysplasia

In other countries, each woman aged 35 years and over have a 2-3 fold risk for suffering from the mouth of womb cancer (serviks) and changes the cells in the mouth of the womb or Cervical Dysplasia, then to the women take care of the diseases that you suffer. Papanicolaou or Pap smear test, start dikampanyekan regularly in 1990-an organization Doctors of the Obstetric and Gynecology number because the mouth of womb cancer incidence is increasing. And research shows a decrease complications and increase life expectancy with early detection through pap smear.

What is pap smear?
Pap smear examinations is to caress the mouth of the womb to see the mouth of the cell-cell matrix (serviks) under the microscope.

Pap smear is a screening test to detect early changes in serviks or abnormalitas before cells become cancerous. Examination was conducted on the examination chair ginekologis special. Sample cells are taken from outside and from serviks den serviks with stroke with a spatula made of wood or plastic materials. After the sweep is done, a cytobrush (small fluffy brush to take cells serviks) is inserted to make a sweep in the canal serviks. After that, the cells are placed in a glass object (glass objects) and disemprot with oxygen to memfiksasi, or placed in a vial containing preservative substances, and then sent to a laboratory to be examined.

Pap smear examination is not recommended in pregnant women, women who consume drugs or pills KB. You should avoid intercourse, tampon use, pill vagina, or berendam bath in bath tub, for 24 hours before the examination, to avoid 'contamination' in the vagina that can disrupt the examination. Pap smear examination should be avoided when menstruasi, because blood and cells from inside the womb can interfere with the accuracy of pap smear results. Empty your bladder before the examination. Use of certain drugs should be avoided because it can affect the results of pap smear, as kolkisin, estrogen, podofilin, progestin, Silver Nitrate, oxygen-oxygen in the composition of cigarettes.

Why Pap smear needs to be done?
Pap smear can detect cancer and conditions prakanker in serviks. Biopsy (the network) serviks generally done when the pap smear when there are indications a significant difference, or if the deviation is found during routine checks in, to identify the difference. Results revealed a positive pap smear, if the show changes serviks cells. Biopsy (the network) may not need to be done immediately, unless you are in the high risk category. For the minor cell changes, usually recommended to repeat the pap smear in 6 months.

Normal pap smear results show negative results, namely the absence of cells that serviks abnormal. While the results of abnormal pap smear results were divided into 3 main areas:

1. Benign (not cancer), doctors generally menterapi infection and as you ask you to do the control back in 4-6 months to repeat the pap smear; OR just back control only.

2. Prekanker (showing some abnormal cell changes), usually reported as a "cell atipik" or displasia serviks. You will be encouraged to do the examination and biopsy kolposkopi. Less than 5% of pap smear dysplasia serviks find. Although up to this time, it is not yet known, several risk factors have been identified, namely: sex partner more than one, starting sexual activity before age 18 years, had a child before age 16 years, suffering from Sexual diseases (STDs), especially HIV infection or Human Papilloma Virus.

3. Malignant (possibly cancerous)

Kolposkopi whether it?

Kolposkopi examination is to see the surface serviks by entering the "binoculars" kolposkop called to burrow in the vagina. This microscope uses a low-strength surface seviks increase up to 10-40 times the size of normal. This enlargement help identify areas of the surface serviks show abnormalitas.

Kolposkopi examination conducted on the examination table ginekologis. On kolposkopi, serviks dioles with a chemical solution (acid acetate) to mengingkirkan mucus that covers the surface serviks. Once the area looks abnormal, kolposkop positioned in the mouth, vagina and the entire surface is examined. Serviks surface image can be documented with a camera is small. If the abnormal area is found, the sample will be taken to the network using a small tool Biopsy. Some samples can be taken according to the size of the area abnormalitas.

There is no special preparation before kolposkopi. Before the examination, you are asked to empty the bladder and digested channel. You do not recommended for washing vagina with liquids, or make any sexual relationship in the 24 hours before the examination.

Results Kolposkopi the normal form of a flat surface serviks and pink. Results Kolposkopi the abnormal form of "growth" in the region serviks (human papilloma virus), changes in network prekanker, dysplasia serviks, cruelty and violence in serviks the invasif. Kolposkopi can be used for monitoring of the aberration prekanker and see the development of therapeutics. Kolposkopi can see the pattern of abnormal blood vessel, The speck-The speck of white on serviks, inflammation, erosion or pengerutan network serviks. All this shows the changes cancer. If the examination or kolposkopi Biopsy abnormalitas not indicate the cause of the Pap smear, it is recommended to make the network more widely.

The speck little bleeding can occur for 1 week after the examination. Avoid sexual relations, shaving vagina, and the use of tampon for 2 weeks to provide an opportunity for Biopsy wound healed. If bleeding occurs, or quite a lot going for more than 2 weeks, or if you experience signs of infection (fever, fluid vagina smelly and muddy color), immediately consult with the doctor again. Given the effectiveness of Pap smear and a very high Kolposkopi for early detection and changes in cell serviks the risk is very low, to flee the screening examination, according to the suggestion of the doctor Obstetric and Gynecology.


Endometriosis or better known as the "cyst" on his reproductive organs, whether the endometriosis?

Lately, more and more women suffering from endometriosis or better known as the "cyst" on the organ reproduksinya. In fact, if the endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a network which should have been located in the (Endo) womb (metrium), grow in other places such as the muscle layer of the womb, outside the womb, egg channel, ovarium, intestine, skin, brain and even the woman. Network that is located outside the place, which should have been, and continue to work and develop appropriate hormonal fluctuations of the menstrual cycle. This is causing great pain during menstruation, and the amount of blood menstruasi more than usual.

Outside the menstrual cycle, this network can be changed to scar the network, if the location where the channel is in the womb or egg, grated network can prevent this process of fertilization and causes sterility (infertilitas) on the woman. Endometriosis causes that have not known, although there are some theories that try to explain it. The descent into one of the risk of a factor Endometriosis.

How do I know that I have a endometriosis?
Endometriosis occurs in women suspected of reproductive age (12-45 years) with complaints of severe menstrual pain and / or the number of blood menstruasi exceed the normal amount. Some other complaints such as pain when dealing with a sexual partner, infertilitas, berkemih pain, diarrhea, nausea, difficult and time CHAPTER menstruasi help establish the diagnosis endometriosis.

Generally, doctors Specialist Obstetric and uterus akan recommend patients with a complaint to initiate a review Ultrasonografi (USG). Some further examination is MRI (Magnetic resonance Imaging) and laparoskopi used to identify other areas affected by endometriosis network, such as nodul cyst or endometriosis. Use of other Laparoskopi is to ensure the type of cyst endometriosis, do Biopsy network, and to rule out malignancy.

Endometriosis can not be cured, but can be overcome with some therapy. Endometriosis is the principle therapy to reduce patient pain complaints, decrease or slow the abnormal growth of the network, maintain fertility (fertility) and to prevent or slow the rekurensi.
Some of endometriosis treatment options are:

1. Medicine painful menstruation. Some pereda painful that can be sold freely consumed according to the recommended dose. In the cases of endometriosis with a cyst is large, anti-pain is not recommended because it only covers the symptoms and not causes.

2. Use of hormones to press ovulasi so menstruasi does not occur. Drugs used are the type of contraceptive pill in the form of KB, KB needle, nail KB, etc.. Other drugs commonly used Physician Specialist Obstetric and Gynecology is Danazol (testosterone derivate), GnRH agonis with some side effects such as heartburn, Flushing, nausea, vomiting, which vary in each individual.

3. Surgery performed to remove the cyst is large or disrupt the function of organs with the interference of the activity of. In some cases, weight, lifting the womb, egg, and a channel of ovarium possible.

Whether endometriosis can cause cancer?
Endometriosis is NOT cancer. In some cases, endometriosis found along with several types of benign tumor of muscle and gland in the body of another, outside the reproductive organs.

What should I do after I know that I have endometriosis?
You do not need to worry. The majority of cases of endometriosis can live normal. There are some views that encourage people to be married and has children. Because, in the condition, women are not menstruasi akan akan endometriosis and the network over and does not cause complaints.

Rubella vaccine is

Rubella vaccine is usually given to children under five twice, first at the age of 12-15 months and 4-6 years. However, if the vaccine is given outside the recommended vaccine is also safe distance between the origin of the first and second vaccine more than 28 days.

Rubella vaccine is very safe provided in a healthy person. The vaccine is very useful to protect the exposed Rubella during pregnancy especially. One source said the level keberhasilanya more than 95%.

Akan mencul may be redness or swelling or pain at the injection of vaccine. Some people may arise akan fever The speck-The speck or redness. May also menyebakan painful joints in a few days.

Which is not recommended given the vaccine were difficult breathing symptoms occur or deviation in the skin or swelling after oral history of Rubella or MMR vaccine before. Also not recommended to people who have diseases that are associated with the immune system such as people with HIV AIDS. (Pandu Diputra)

Gershon, Anne. Rubella (German Measles). Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 16th Ed. McGraw-Hill. 2005.
Wolff, Klaus, et al. Fitzpatrick's Color & Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology. McGraw-Hill. 2005.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Measles, Mumps & Rubella Vaccines: What You Need to Know. 2003
Measles in Brazil.
German measles Serang Bogor.
German Measles (Rubella) During Pregnancy.
Pregnancy and Rubella - Patient UK.
Congenital Rubella Syndrome Prevention.
Rubella (German measles) in pregnancy
Rubella (German Measles).
German measles vaccination during pregnancy, berbahayakah?


Make sure your child is getting Rubella vaccine (MMR)

Avoid to go out to places that you can not make sure that does not fell ill penghuninya Rubella virus. Avoid also to travel to foreign countries in which many of Rubella virus infected.

Make sure your children also have the other get Rubella vaccine (MMR). Family members also need to have adults involved is that they are immune to Rubella, if not, there is a possibility for them to relate to you.

Head to ask divaksin after birth to prevent the next pregnancy if you have not divaksin. The vaccine is quite safe provided at the time of breastfeeding. Only note that you must, you can not get pregnant again for a month (approximately 28 days) after the vaccine. This is your part to prevent pregnancy at this time.

Rubella virus if exposure occurred in the first four weeks of pregnancy on the mother who has not been immune, can cause infection in the fetus is called Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS). Classic sign that arise in the fetus is infected during early pregnancy are cataracts, heart disease, deaf and other symptoms. This is due to occur in early pregnancy establishment organs important for babies.
Factors that determine the level of disability in the infant is at the occurrence of infection exposure. If going on the first 3 months, 50% infected fetus likely follow, but if it happens on the second 3 months, only one per three babies who will likely participate infected.


Prevent before pregnancy

If you are planning a pregnancy that you have examined themselves to health professionals related to your disease. Blood that you can be a guide if you are already immune (immune) against Rubella or not. If you had previously with this virus or been divaksin virus containing this component, then your body will respond with the antibody to form a substance memhabisi virus. If in the future, you fell ill Rubella virus again, your body already recognizes it. With this introduction, your body will quickly snuff out the virus berespon before this virus cause illness in your body.

This antibody substances that can be a criterion whether your body enough to poten immune against Rubella virus. Usually, the antibody in your body several times akan dites. If you keep the amount of antibody in the test several times, the show has been going infection occurs, and you can breathe relieved to proceed to the stage of pregnancy. However, if the changes occur, you may be still in a state of being infected. You implement recommended treatment before proceeding to the next stage.

However, if the negative result, meaning that you have never been exposed to this disease and your body is not immune terhadapnya. It is very advisable to do Rubella vaccine at least one month before you move to the stage of pregnancy. Rubella vaccine is usually combined with measles and mumps vaccine to the MMR vaccine (Measles, Mumps and Rubella)

During Pregnancy
If you already terlanjur pregnant, but do not test for Rubella immunity, flee contact your health professional. Your health professional will test your blood, as was discussed above. If you are already immune, you can continue with the pregnancy quiet. But if you're not immune, there are many things you should note. First, the MMR vaccine can not be given if you are pregnant. You can do only as much as possible to avoid exposure to this disease.


Rubella (German Measles) are: acute viral disease that attacks both children, adults with the common symptoms of which include The speck on the skin r

In Indonesia, the disease began to spread back to the Rubella. Previously, it was said that this disease is the number to decrease its occurrence in Indonesia. However, in Bogor in June month ago found 108 children exposed to positive and Rubella has been expressed as the extraordinary incident (KLB) by the City Health Office Bogor.

In fact what is called the Rubella? Rubella or German Measles is often called is acute viral disease that attacks both children and adults with the common symptoms of which include The speck on the skin redness, fever and lymph gland enlargement (lymphadenopathy).

The speck of red are usually caused from the face ago spread to the stem body. While the lymph gland that usually get involved and lymph gland located behind the ear (postauricular), cervix (suboccipital) and neck (cervical).

Compared to children, if the virus attacks the adults usually have a more serious symptoms. Peritonitis may be accompanied by eye (conjunctivitis), a heavy cold (coryza) and the joint inflammation (arthritis). Joint inflammation is more common in women.

However, this disease is an infection usually does not usually show symptoms of clinical meaning. Symptoms that appear only as weak, not appetite, slight fever. The virus is spread through close contact (close contact) between individuals such as people living with the same house. Coughing and sneezing can also help the spread of this virus if the person is already infected.


Water Birth, a method of birth through the vagina to normal in the water

A normal birth (through the vagina) is almost the same as the pain during limb be amputated.
Some time later I found a birth operation Caesar.
This operation is not too sick for using anesthesia. But people also thought that the pain after giving birth is longer than the pain when a normal birth.
But has now found a new way that is not more pain: birth in water.

Giving birth in water, or the term is now Water Birth, is a method of birth through the vagina to normal in the water. The concept of this method appeared to have emerged since a long time, since the 1960s from the idea of a Russian researcher, Igor Charkovsky.
This method continues to be developed and eventually began medical protocols made since 1991 at the Monadnock Community Hospital, New Hampshire, United States.
Now, hospitals in the United States and the UK has been using this method. In Indonesia, this method has also been used, although still rare.

Benefits and contra indication:
In fact, most benefit from either method of giving birth in water is for babies. Water used is hot water with a temperature that is not high, the temperature is similar to the temperature in the mother's womb. So out of the womb so the mother, the baby feel secure and comfortable as the mother in the womb, so that it can better adapt.
Once removed from the water, the baby is crying. Babies also become more clean from dirt and blood.

Besides the benefits for babies, the benefits for the mother and also have many more, including:
- The warm water can make the mother become more comfortable and rileks at birth, also help lower high blood pressure arises because the anxious mother. This is because warm water can reduce the stress hormone release and trigger the hormone as a resistor endorfin pain.
- Water can also facilitate movement of capital because of the type of water membanti 'alleviate' maternal body weight. This warm water can also increase the mother's energy.

- Water helps warm cause contraction of uterus and efficient circulation of blood in the uterus become more smoothly, so that the oxygen to the baby also increases. In addition, the perineum may also become more elastic, thus reducing the risk of rip in the vagina during childbirth.

However, the same as other medical procedures, there is always the risk of medical action.
To avoid 'side effects' of this method, there are some things that absolutely must be avoided, such as:
- There is a contra indication as in normal pregnancy, such as the baby is born not in a position under the foot above the head, but even under the feet and head on.
- The sexually transmitted disease like herpes because herpes viruses can not die in hot water.
- The estimate of excess bleeding, preeklampsia, pregnancy or infection.
- Pregnancy twin.
- The estimate of the baby is born premature.
- The mekonium (feses baby) the excess.

If there is one kategory above that you do not have the Water Birth (birth in water)

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According to the Entertainment Society UK

Third of people still do not understand how to correct hepatitis C can be transmitted. This is the picture people in the UK, as in the UK Cicil by MOH. In Indonesia, may be greater.

In fact, 100,000 people in the UK is not aware that they are exposed to hepatitis C. Some of the facts of the hepatitis C disease in the UK shows:
~ Nearly one out of four people do not know that hepatitis C can be transmitted through syringe sharing
~ One of the eight thought that hepatitis C can be transmitted through a kiss. (The risk is very small)
~ One of the six think that most consume food and water contamination can be contagious virus (But not so for hepatitis C)
~ One third of respondents believe there is a vaccine for hepatitis C (Fact: Up to kin have not yet a vaccine for hepatitis C)

This is the picture in the UK, and of course in the levels of the health of communities is still low, have a more or less.

Pig flu According the World Health Organization

This is in the World Health Organization, WHO estimates the outbreak of swine flu pandemic is finally entering the phase 6 of 6 scale outbreaks of the set. Swine flu, which has changed the name to be influenza A H1N1, has spread and even have them on the never visited Mexico of late.

WHO director-general, Margaret Chan, on Wednesday (29 / 3) have become increasing scale outbreaks 5. He said that this flu outbreak should be given very serious attention to the impact-akan impact. According to him, the pandemic is estimated to have difficult and sometimes very surprising.

Although this virus in Mexico have been shut off, but in other countries the phenomenon is most often caused diarrhea. Chan said the disease can provide a range of symptoms with a very knowledgeable, that's up to the light weight. But according to him the supervision of the required changes in the situation that may occur.

Some suspect the theory of why this is off the outbreak in Mexico. Some scientists say the likelihood of the victim-survivors in Mexico do not get adequate treatment that eventually caused the high death rate.

Keiji Fukuda, WHO assistant director-general, said this looks like a virus, such as regular seasonal flu. Fukuda said that was still not clear whether the influenza A H1N1 pandemic will be severe. To remind that there are 3 great flu pandemic in the world is Spanish Flu in 1918, 1957 and 1968. 50 million people died in 1918. Guan Yi, a microbiology expert pandem the University of Hong Kong in 1918 initially appear mild, but in the second wave became very death.

Indonesia and Egypt became a place that must be prepared mengahadapi this outbreak. Because, when joined with H1N1 or H5N1 bird flu virus is, it will be a catastrophe.

WHO also said that the pigs can not be answerable in this outbreak. This is because the infection outbreaks among humans and pigs in their own suffering was not found this virus. So destruction of pigs is not necessary in dealing with this outbreak. Consumption of pork is still allowed home cooked cooked.

influenza vaccine, influenza A (H1N1), H1N1 Galur

WHO said a seasonal influenza vaccine are generally estimated to have no effect on influenza A (H1N1) or previously referred to as the flu pigs. New vaccine may be obtained akan new 4-6 months.

Marie-Paule Kieny PhD, director of WHO for vaccine development Beginnings, said that the center is now developed a vaccine for H1N1. Galur H1N1 can not be with the influenza vaccine that has been circulating. According to very few possible seasonal flu vaccine capable of effectively. However, still now examined whether a vaccine booster (booster) can be effective. The result may be out a few days.

WHO also has not been up to now obtain a good description of some of the more severe cases in Mexico when compared to the case of influenza A H1N1 in other parts of the world.

Until May 1, have been reported cases of influenza A H1N1 in 13 countries with details of 365 cases. In the United States have reported 141 cases of positive results and 1 death. 9 people have died in Mexico.


Here are some symptoms that killed the Women's / What symptoms?

Here are some symptoms that killed the Women's / What symptoms?
In the pre-ban or cancer before developing into cancer is not found symptoms that means. However, the changes are not visible can be detected early with a pap smear examination so that cells appear to start the change towards the abnormal.

In the development of the next, if these cells have developed into cancer cells and have started to infiltrate around the regions, the nascent symptoms such as:
- Keputihan that is not itchy, brown, red and smelly
- Abnormal bleeding which is bleeding between the two cycles menstruasi, post-menopause bleeding, spontaneous bleeding per vaginam, bleeding per vaginam time defecate, and pain when bersenggama.
- In further stages can be found a decrease in appetite, decrease in body weight, anemia, pelvic pain etc..

How to prevent mouth cancer womb?
How to prevent the most good way is to do pap smear examination in early and frequent, especially for women that age have a high risk of cancer is affected. This is able to detect any deviation so that the case of cell death due to cancer serviks can be derived up to 90%. This test can even be at the Puskesmas. Doctors who take the wipe it, and then send it to the laboratory.

Technical wipe the can be described as follows: using a spatula or similar fine brush, mucous neck womb taken by the doctor or midwife to be lubricated (the paste) on the glass objects. Then, using a microscope, a testing expert sitologi neck cells of the womb. In pre cancer journey and the process requires a long time to become cancer. With this early detection and treatment can be done that early also, so that the level of it can be even higher to 100%. This can be done with the treatment that is effective and adekuat so that they can kill and stop the growth of a start point to the abnormal. Surely it can be optimal if it is still in pre-stage cancer.

Suggestion to conduct this review, namely:
- Every year for women aged over 35 years
- Every 2-3 years in women over 35 years after 3 times of negative
- Each year for those who have any risk of suffering from this disease
- As often as possible for those who have cancer or pre mederita already ketahap further the cancer.

The combination is now performed HPV vaccination and screening (examination cancer) that can provide a great benefit in the prevention of this disease. HPV vaccine can be useful and to reduce the incidence of cancer serviks and pre-cancerous conditions, especially in mild cases.

HPV vaccine that consists of 2 types of this in the body can protect against cancer caused by HPV (types 16 and 18). One of the vaccine can help prevent the occurrence of genital wart in the region caused by HPV 6 and 11, and HPV 16 and 18. Benefit has been tested in phase III clinical testing and be realized in the near future. Confidence test results of clinical stage III showed that this vaccine-a vaccine can help prevent infection from HPV types over lesi and prevent pre-cancer in women who have not been previously infected with HPV.

Cancer prevention efforts serviks the other in a way that can be done in order to reduce risk factors such as preventing sexual relationship early on, the number of couples sex, and smoking habits etc.. Prevention aims to eliminate risk sexual behavior that increase the exposure of the human papiloma virus.


Because the disease causes the death of the largest of the Women's I infection of Human Papilloma Virus

Keep in mind, the mouth of womb cancer or known by the name of cancer serviks is the biggest cause of death in women in developing countries, and each year about a quarter million women die due to this disease. According to the Ministry of Health estimates, in indonesia at this time there are around 100 cases per 100 thousand population or 200 thousand cases each year. In addition, more than 70 percent of cases that come to the hospital found in the stadium go.

What is the mouth of womb cancer?
The mouth of womb cancer is the growth of cells mouth womb / serviks of abnormal cells in which this change displasia or lead towards violence. Cancer is the only women who had or are now in a sexually active status. Never found a woman who had never had sexual relations do have this cancer. This cancer usually attacks the woman who has aged, most especially in women aged 35-55 years. However, it is not impossible that young women can also suffer this disease, have provided that the risk factors.

What are the risk factors that can affect a woman is exposed to this cancer?
The exact cause of the change normal cells into the mouth of the womb as a malignant cell is not known exactly. However, there are several factors that can affect these changes, among others:

1) first sexual relationship at the early age (age <16>

2) often take turns pairing (multipatner sex).

3) infection of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) types 16 and 18. Research shows that 10-30% of women at the age of 30'an years had suffered from sexually active HPV infections (including infections in the vulva). This percentage is increasing when the woman has many sexual pairings. In most cases, HPV infections progress and no symptoms are settling.

The two factors above are also associated with HPV infection. More and more couples take turns tertularnya the HPV infection is also high. Similarly, cells exposed to the mouth of the womb have a certain pH with sperm-sperm that have a pH that is different on multipatner can stimulate the change towards displasia.

4) infection Simpleks Herpes Virus (HSV) type 2

5) women who bear children more than 3 times

6) women smoking, as it can lower the body resistance.


Cancer risks are Ovarium

The steps to reduce the risk of exposure ovarium cancer, especially in high risk women include:

1. birth to children at least 1 times
2. using oral contraceptives
3. the ovary when women already have enough children and do not want to get pregnant again
4. on women who have a family history are often exposed to breast cancer, mammography screening and the serum CA 125 should be made at the age of 30 years and regularly for years.
5. examination tumor Marker, USG or CT-scan regularly for early detection of cancer.

There is no definitive way to prevent this cancer but early detection and early action and efficient therapy can reduce mortality. Therefore, women should begin self-promote the program periodically to midwifery personal physician to be able to monitor the private health care the most and minimize the risk of cancer.

Ovarium enlargement in the menopause or 1 year before menstruasi

You can certainly sign suspect cancer if the ovary is teraba of mass (benjolan) in the pelvis that hard, does not expressly limit, can not be moved and bilateral, especially if the mass teraba to the top of the stomach and have a bloated stomach symptoms of water (ascites) then you can suspect that this is malignant cancer.
But when mass kistik (elastic), easily driven, strictly limit, and then unilateral cancer is suspected to be benign. There are many ways that can be done to ensure ovarium cancer, among others:

1. examination serum CA 125. Serum CA 125 Marker is a tumor that can be used to separate between the malignant cancer with the tame. However, the examination is more accurate in women who have undergone menopause, whereas in women with menopause have not doubt the results.
2. women in menopause who have not, the examination may be helpful is the use of oral contraceptives and hormone to the periodic inspection done 2 months. When the mass is not off the cancer and also vice versa.
3. Transvaginal USG can be useful to find the mass in the ovarium cancer and malignant cancer or not.
4. CT-scan or MRI can be used to find out how far the location of cancer and cancer spread.
5. laparoskopi definitive diagnostic examination is to be able to determine the malignancy of cancer. Indications to perform laparoskopi, among others:

o Ovarium mass> 7 cm
o Ovarium enlargement in the menopause or 1 year before menstruasi
o The provision of post-hormonal contraception
o Bilateral tumor (except theca lutein cyst)
o Hard tumor
o Torsi symptoms (tumor terputar) or rupture (tumor broken)
o Ascites

Therapy or treatment that can be done in the ovarium cancer is highly dependent on the stadium and the condition of cancer patients during therapy will be done. When the cancer is still small and has not spread then the most appropriate therapy is operatif, but if you can spread it in combination with radiotherapy (radiation) and Chemotherapy in accordance with the policies that deal with your doctor. It is more important is the second-look laparotomy action that is the first operation after operation to ensure that no cancer cells remaining in the ovarium and see the response of the body treatment.


Menstruasi is too early , Menopause is too late. Lynch syndrome II. Never delivered

Ovary cancer is often associated with women giving birth with a number of low and infertile not fertile. This is related to the process of offshore ovulasi egg cells to the womb) in the ovary. In the layer korteks, gamet development experience to become mature and ready for release to the womb and this happens every month. The theory epitel korteks changes continuously to finalize gamet can trigger the occurrence of spontaneous mutation and ultimately cause cancer in the ovary. In the pregnant woman, the process is stopped to ± 9 months, so the risk of cancer down. Other factors that can increase cancer risk are:

- Menstruasi is too early
- Menopause is too late.
- Factor genetic high risk where it is said ovarium cancer when exposed to a mutation in the genes BRCA 1 and the BRCA 2 genes.
- History never had breast cancer or other cancer at a young age.
- Lynch syndrome II.
- Never delivered
- First birth at age> 35 years

Symptoms and signs of cancer in the ovary is usually not present (asimptomatik) for a long period and usually does not appear if specific. In the early stages of disease, symptoms may appear, among others:

- Menstruasi experience that is not organized as if akan akan are in the menopause.
- If the mass of cancer bladder or rectum then complaints will arise the desire miksi increases or constipation.
- It may arise or distended stomach sensation as depressed
- Pain, such as pain during sexual conduct
At the stadium information, symptoms usually appear associated with the spread of cancer to other organs such as:
- Stuffed
- Fluid in the stomach cavity (ascites)
- Constipation (difficult to defecate)
- Nausea and vomiting
- Women in the menopause may not complain menstruasi the regular and large.


Diagnosis, Ovarium, ovum / egg cell, hormone estrogen, Kistadenoma serous, Kistadenoma musinosum, Endometrioma, Mesonephroid clear cell, including tum

Diagnosis, Ovarium, ovum / egg cell, hormone estrogen, Kistadenoma serous, Kistadenoma musinosum, Endometrioma, Mesonephroid clear cell, including tumor benner fibroma, dermoid cyst, a mixture of Tumor, Cancer is not one classifying

Cancer .... Of course no one wanted to suffer the disease is diagnosed. However, in line with the lifestyle of the modern, the frequency of someone exposed to the possibility of the cancer. One of the most common cancer in women is appearing ovary cancer or carcinoma ovarium. Cancer is difficult to detect in early and often when it has detected a new spread to other organs. New patient experience symptoms that make treatment to the doctor, but this has been delayed so that a death rate higher. Cancer is also called the silent killer because the lady is the highest cause of death in women.

Ovarium organ is a pair of almond-shaped fruit that is on the side of the womb, women, in the near side of the pelvic wall, and located on the back of the ligamentum latum layer in bottom of the back channel of eggs / falopi tuba. Ovarium has a long and 2,5-5,0 cm wide ± 1,5-3,0 cm. Ovarium consists of the outside called the cortex where the gamet (future egg cells) and in the part called the medulla contains many large blood vessel and nerve.

In general, the ovarium function as:
- Of ovum / egg cell is fertilized by the sperm will be developed into potential fetus
- Hormones of estrogen and progesteron that are important to the development of normal female physiology.

Cancer of the ovary can be all women of all ages, ranging from age 20 to 80 years old, rarely occur in women under 21 years old. Eighty percent of cancer appear at the age of 40 years and above when the cancer appears after the menopause almost thirty percent of it is violent. Cancer in the ovary comes from the most epitel ovarium cells in the korteks, can be benign, borderline, or malignant depending on how far the differences between the origin of cancer cells (metaplasia). Based on the origin of cancer cells, ovarium cancer can be divided into:

- Kistadenoma serous
- Kistadenoma musinosum
- Endometrioma
- Mesonephroid clear cell
- Fibroma including tumor benner
- Dermoid cyst
- A mixture of tumor
- Cancer that is not terklasifikasikan


Cervical Dysplasia, microscope, serviks, ginekologis, cytobrush, pill vagina, pap smear, biopsy, Kolposkopi

In the United States, each woman aged 35 years and over have a 2-3 fold risk for suffering from the mouth of womb cancer (serviks) and changes the cells in the mouth of the womb or Cervical Dysplasia. Papanicolaou or Pap smear test, start the campaign on a regular basis in 1990-an organization Doctors of the Obstetric and Gynecology number because the mouth of womb cancer incidence is increasing. And research shows a decrease complications and increase life expectancy with early detection through pap smear.

What is pap smear?
Pap smear examinations is to caress the mouth of the womb to see the mouth of the cell-cell matrix (serviks) under the microscope.

Pap smear is a screening test to detect early changes in serviks or abnormalitas before cells become cancerous. Examination was conducted on the examination chair ginekologis special. Sample cells are taken from outside and from serviks den serviks with stroke with a spatula made of wood or plastic materials. After the sweep is done, a cytobrush (small fluffy brush to take cells serviks) is inserted to make a sweep in the canal serviks. After that, the cells are placed in a glass object (glass objects) and disemprot with oxygen to memfiksasi, or placed in a vial containing preservative substances, and then sent to a laboratory to be examined.

Pap smear examination is not recommended in pregnant women, women who consume drugs or pills KB. You should avoid intercourse, tampon use, pill vagina, or berendam bath in bath tub, for 24 hours before the examination, to avoid 'contamination' in the vagina that can disrupt the examination. Pap smear examination should be avoided when menstruasi, because blood and cells from inside the womb can interfere with the accuracy of pap smear results. Empty your bladder before the examination. Use of certain drugs should be avoided because it can affect the results of pap smear, as kolkisin, estrogen, podofilin, progestin, Silver Nitrate, oxygen-oxygen in the composition of cigarettes.

Why Pap smear needs to be done?
Pap smear can detect cancer and pre-condition in cancer serviks. Biopsy (the network) serviks generally done when the pap smear when there are indications a significant difference, or if the deviation is found during routine checks in, to identify the difference. Results revealed a positive pap smear, if the show changes serviks cells. Biopsy (the network) may not need to be done immediately, unless you are in the high risk category. For the minor cell changes, usually recommended to repeat the pap smear in 6 months.

Normal pap smear results show negative results, namely the absence of cells that serviks abnormal. While the results of abnormal pap smear results were divided into 3 main areas:

1. Benign (not cancer), doctors usually give you as infection therapy and ask you to do the control back in 4-6 months to repeat the pap smear; OR just back control only.

2. Pre cancer (showing some abnormal cell changes), usually reported as a "cell atipik" or displasia serviks. You will be encouraged to do the examination and biopsy kolposkopi. Less than 5% of pap smear dysplasia serviks find. Although up to this time, it is not yet known, several risk factors have been identified, namely: sex partner more than one, starting sexual activity before age 18 years, had a child before age 16 years, suffering from Sexual diseases (STDs), especially HIV infection or Human Papilloma Virus.

3. Malignant (possibly cancerous)

Kolposkopi whether it?

Kolposkopi examination is to see the surface serviks by entering the "binoculars" kolposkop called to burrow in the vagina. This microscope uses a low-strength surface seviks increase up to 10-40 times the size of normal. This enlargement help identify areas of the surface serviks show abnormalitas.

Kolposkopi examination conducted on the examination table ginekologis. On kolposkopi, serviks dioles with a chemical solution (acid acetate) to mengingkirkan mucus that covers the surface serviks. Once the area looks abnormal, kolposkop positioned in the mouth, vagina and the entire surface is examined. Serviks surface image can be documented with a camera is small. If the abnormal area is found, the sample will be taken to the network using a small tool Biopsy. Some samples can be taken according to the size of the area abnormalitas.

There is no special preparation before kolposkopi. Before the examination, you are asked to empty the bladder and digested channel. You do not recommended for washing vagina with liquids, or make any sexual relationship in the 24 hours before the examination.

Results Kolposkopi the normal form of a flat surface serviks and pink. Results Kolposkopi the abnormal form of "growth" in the region serviks (human papilloma virus), changes in network prekanker, dysplasia serviks, cruelty and violence in serviks the invasif. Kolposkopi can be used for monitoring of the aberration prekanker and see the development of therapeutics. Kolposkopi can see the pattern of abnormal blood vessel, The speck-The speck of white on serviks, inflammation, erosion or pengerutan network serviks. All this shows the changes cancer. If the examination or kolposkopi Biopsy abnormalitas not indicate the cause of the Pap smear, it is recommended to make the network more widely.

The speck little bleeding can occur for 1 week after the examination. Avoid sexual relations, shaving vagina, and the use of tampon for 2 weeks to provide an opportunity for Biopsy wound healed. If bleeding occurs, or quite a lot going for more than 2 weeks, or if you experience signs of infection (fever, fluid vagina smelly and muddy color), immediately consult with the doctor again. Given the effectiveness of Pap smear and a very high Kolposkopi for early detection and changes in cell serviks the risk is very low, to flee the screening examination, according to the suggestion of the doctor Obstetric and Gynecology. Cancer Serviks, no way!

Endometriosis, menstrual cycle, infertilitas, Ultrasonografi, Biopsy, testosterone derivate

Lately, more and more women suffering from endometriosis or better known as the "cyst" on the reproductive organs. In fact, if the endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a network which should have been located in the (Endo) womb (metrium), grow in other places such as the muscle layer of the womb, outside the womb, egg channel, ovarium, intestine, skin, brain and even the woman. Network that is located outside the place, which should have been, and continue to work and develop appropriate hormonal fluctuations of the menstrual cycle. This is causing great pain during menstruation, and the amount of blood that came out more than usual.

Outside the menstrual cycle, this network can be changed to scar the network, if the location where the channel is in the womb or egg, grated network can prevent this process of fertilization and causes sterility (infertilitas) on the woman. Endometriosis causes that have not known, although there are some theories that try to explain it. The descent into one of the risk of a factor Endometriosis.

How do I know that I have a endometriosis?
Endometriosis occurs in women suspected of reproductive age (12-45 years) with complaints of severe menstrual pain and / or the amount of blood that exceed the normal amount. Some other complaints such as pain when dealing with a sexual partner, infertilitas, pain, diarrhea, nausea and difficulty CHAPTER help establish the diagnosis when endometriosis.

Generally, doctors Specialist Obstetric and recommend that patients with a uterus to initiate a complaint inspection Ultrasonografi (USG). Some further examination is MRI (Magnetic resonance Imaging) and laparoskopi used to identify other areas affected by endometriosis network, such as nodul cyst or endometriosis. Use of other Laparoskopi is to ensure the type of cyst endometriosis, do Biopsy network, and to rule out malignancy.

Endometriosis can not be cured, but can be overcome with some therapy. Endometriosis is the principle therapy to reduce patient pain complaints, decrease or slow the abnormal growth of the network, maintain fertility (fertility) and to prevent or slow the rekurensi.
Some of endometriosis treatment options are:

1. Medicine painful menstruation. Some pereda painful that can be sold freely consumed according to the recommended dose. In the cases of endometriosis with a cyst is large, anti-pain is not recommended because it only covers the symptoms and not causes.

2. Use of hormones to press ovulasi so menstruasi does not occur. Drugs used are the type of contraceptive pill in the form of KB, KB needle, nail KB, etc.. Other drugs commonly used Physician Specialist Obstetric and Gynecology is Danazol (testosterone derivate), GnRH agonis with some side effects such as heartburn, Flushing, nausea, vomiting, which vary in each individual.

3. Surgery performed to remove the cyst is large or disrupt the function of organs with the interference of the activity of. In some cases, weight, lifting the womb, egg, and a channel of ovarium possible.

Whether endometriosis can cause cancer?
Endometriosis is NOT cancer. In some cases, endometriosis found along with several types of benign tumor of muscle and gland in the body of another, outside the reproductive organs.

What should I do after I know that I have endometriosis?
You do not need to worry. The majority of cases of endometriosis can live normal. There are some views that encourage people to be married and has children. Because, in the condition, the woman will not menstruasi and endometriosis off the network and does not rise to the complaint.


Women, Must Have Rights If you are in the pregnancy, leave for pregnancy

For you women who become mothers in a minute, you should start considering the content of the Law on Employment, if you work in one of the company.

When you do not have insurance, let alone momongan, you would never consider the rights of employee, such as pregnancy leave and health benefits. In fact, leave a pregnant employee rights fully.

Many of the tens of millions of women who work in Indonesia, does not understand what their rights in the workplace.
In Employment Act No. 13 of 2003, referred to in Article 82,
(1) Workers / female laborers are entitled to rest for 1.5 (one half) hours before the time the birth of children and 1.5 (one and a half) months after birth, according to the calculation of the womb the doctor or midwife.

(2) workers / laborers women who have experienced miscarriage womb are entitled to rest 1.5 (one and a half) months or in accordance with the actual letter the doctor or midwife.

In addition to qualify for a pregnancy leave, in Article 83, also mentioned, Labor / labor that women should suckle their children still should be given the opportunity to breastfeed her child if it should be done during working time.
This means: as workers, are entitled to a remission time to breastfeed the heart.

Never fear hakmu champion. If you find that the rights you have not fulfilled by the company, you may ask questions at the superior and the personnel. Do not worry, because your rights are protected by law, which has legal force that is much higher than the letter of the agreement work for you.

Never Make a gibe To Women Workers, Women For Human also

Most of the workforce was an Indonesian woman, clear .....
They tried to find a job with a salary that can fend for himself with the family and become a labor and domestic workers.

When they are exposed to a difficulty in meeting the needs of economic development, the round akan intention to work abroad. Could not be denied that in living in this modern era, money is everything, and without money it is difficult to do something. In addition, the government program that also is one of the efforts to create employment, as it were, a good way for us to work TKW there.

However, the program should work antarnegara steadily and smoothly, considering India has experienced foreign workers to send overseas. In fact, many are procedural irregularities occurred which have been determined due to lack of government and protection of Indonesian workers. Prospective migrant workers was not uncommon in the general preface prospect of abundant material and turn aside the risk weight to work in foreign countries of different demographic and cultural. Economic factors are usually the reason for them to dare to take the risk.

Issue a dilemma. On the one hand, the prospects are very arouse foreign work, but on the other have a negative image of a very big risk. Factors that are less knowledge and economic needs of prospective TKW often utilized by the parties are not responsible. Even to this day have sinyalemen of TKW to many foreign countries through the agencies illegal.

Actually allow foreign workers have been held far longer before Indonesian independence in 1945. Up to now, allow foreign workers still in progress with all the problems that meliputinya. Procedures allow foreign workers to foreign countries at the time set by the Government through the Dutch East Indies Werving Ordonantie STB 1936 No 650 jo. STB 1938 No 388 Regulations on the Implementation of Indonesia up to implement the Employment outside Indonesia. Procedures through the regulation still apply, developed with the Regulations Menaker No. 4 Year 1970 on foreign workers recruitment.

Countries that allow foreign workers into the purpose of which is Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Hong Kong, and Brunei Darussalam. Request foreign workers to foreign countries during January to April 2004 reached 83,999 persons consisting of the formal sector, or 14.81%, and the informal sector or 71,562 persons 85.19%. From this amount to the informal sector more labor required of women (83.88%), while disektor formal labor needs men and women is almost balanced. Can be said that the Indonesian workers sent overseas to the majority of female sex manifold. In other words, the labor of women is the highest number of migrant workers sent abroad. Quoted from the Directorate General PPTKLN-Depnakertrans

Delivery of foreign workers which is part of the amount of women, has brought a sizeable foreign exchange for Indonesia. They are heroes in our country economy. Program delivery directly to the state foreign exchange earnings. For instance, for example, the Government of the Province of Central Java, in 2002 for some 138,205 people with TKI Remittance of money through the bank between the work program between the countries (BE), the BNI, BRI, Bank Mandiri, Bank Niaga and Bank Bukopin added a number of PT Pos Indonesia Rp 1,497,236,878,922.00.

On the other hand, many problems appear when the labor force of Indonesia (TKI), especially women, to be sent overseas. Sexual harassment, torture by the employer, agent distributor illegal, there is no employment contract, which clearly between Indonesia and the country, even the law on foreign workers still in the process of (the law is important for the protection of migrant workers from the legal aspect). Similarly the role of government in addressing this issue have not seen the maximum.

In general, TKW have quite complicated problems. TKW's own individual factors such as inadequate skills, including understanding a foreign language, the document is incomplete, and factors that employers often do persecution. Not able to work, not paid salaries, maltreatment, sexual harassment, the employer died, the work does not comply, the employer in trouble, work accidents, sickness, the document is not complete.


About some Point Implementation of the Law on Protection of women workers

1. Legal Guidelines for Women Workers
Guidelines on the Law. 13 of 2003 on employment in particular article 76, 81, 82, 83 84, article 93, Kepmenaker No. 224 of 2003 and the Regulations of the Company or companies that work together


a. Protection Working Hours
Protection in the case of night work for women workers (until 23:00 o'clock at 07.00). In practice there are still companies that do not provide nutritious food and drink, but replaced by cash
the requirements can not be replaced with money

b. Protection in the period
Protection of women workers in that period is not required to work on the first day and second on the time period with full wages. In practice many more that do not use their rights for reasons not to get premium attend.

c. Protection during the pregnancy leave
Protection of maternity leave during pregnancy 1.5 months before the birth time and 1.5 hours after birth with full wages.
In fact, its implementation still have companies that do not pay wages in full.

d. Giving the location of breastfeeding
Giving workers the opportunity to women whose children are still breastfeeding their children to suckle only effective for a location close to the company.

2. Important Role of Department of Labor
Role in the Department of Labor to provide legal protection for women workers with the validation and registration through PP & Company PKB on Manpower Department, Dissemination Regulations in employment legislation and supervision to the Company.

3. Legal barriers to workers Women
Obstacles faced in the implementation of the legal protection of women workers is an agreement between workers with employers who sometimes deviate from the rules that apply, not
the regulation of sanctions for breaches that occurred, the workers themselves who do not use their rights with economic reasons.


Some Women About This, If you want to know About Women & see Read carefully

Before this, we have published articles about the man. And this time let us together find out about the Women's.

1. When sorang woman said that he was heartbroken, but he does not
airmata drip, that means that he was crying in his heart.

2. If he does not bother you after you hurt heart, you better give him time to calm the heart before you reprimand with the word sorry.

3. Women's difficult search nak hateful things about him that people most
he unfortunately (for the busy woman who is broken-hearted when the relationship is
dropouts in the middle of the road).

4. If sorang women fall in love with sorang men, men will always have in mind even when he is being out with another man.

5. When the man she loves and who love to daydream in the sharp eyes, he will be like liquid chocolate!

6. Women are always like a compliment but I do not know where nak receive praise.

7. If you do not like the girls who like you, half dead, with a soft reject love, not because there is roughly one in the spirit of a woman who you do not know if he will make a decision dah, he will do anything.

8. If sorang girls began to draw away from you after you
reject the love, leave him for a moment. If you still want to
sorang he considers friends, he cubalah tegur slowly.

9. Women love to vomit what they think. Muzik, poems, paintings and
any posts is the easiest way they vomit their hearts content.

11. Be too serious mood may turn off women.

12. When the first man in love in silent provide
a positive response, for example, to contact him via phone or device, the girls will be indifferent if not interested, but only as objects are placed, he will scream and I prefer not to ten minit, all rakan-rakan know if its news.

13. Sekuntum thousand senyum give meaning to women. So do not smile markets.

14. If you like a woman, try begin with friendship. Then he let you identify with more depth.

15. If sorang thousand women give a reason each time you call
out, leave him because he is not interested in you.

16. But if in the same time he was waiting to contact you or call from you, usahamu continue to fascinate him.

17. Do not consider what is occasionally felt it. Ask him yourself!

18. After a girl falls in love, he would often wonder
why do not I meet this man earlier.

19. If you are looking for search-the most romantic way to captivate sorang girl, try diligent diligent hand-menyelak love books.

20. When the class each time the image out, the first object sought
by a woman who is standing next to the heart, then
then himself.

21. Former male friend will always have in mind but the man who
in love now will be in place especially in the heart!

22. One greeting 'Hi' only enough ceriakan day.

23. Friends who know better just what is he think he and Go.

24. Most women hate men who make-up with them merely tackle their most beautiful.

25. Love means devotion, take serious, honest and without happiness
any compromise.

26. All women love a man who love their heels in love ..

27. Weapon airmata woman is!

28. Women love a person if it be a surprise forged it (the gift, flowers or simply romantic greeting kad). They will be moved and feel a sense that his beloved setulus heart. With this he will not hesitate with you.

29. Women's easy to feel sorry for men who take on the weight of their
and both of them. So, if entrap women nak pandai-pandai lah ...

30. Actually easy romance because what he want
just loved the feeling and be full of the soul. By Mirul quote from